Audi-os, amigos

Assuming you're middle-class in China, and young, what would you buy?

Schmucks said dumb stuff at a celebrity on Twitter.

Hahahahaha, what the fuck.

Yep. That's the face of a D-man who thinks his -1 is already in the net.

That is really cool.

It's interesting to me that a ringer off the post counts as neither a shot on goal, nor a save, but it means the goalie was beat clean.

Some people call me Mau-rice! *wooooo-wooooo*


Mmmmmm goosebumps.

+1 indulgence

Exactly this. Keep what we liked about that era (the looks, the overall essence) but add what the industry has done right in the last 30 years (safety, reliability).

It works for Lewis Black.

Well, shit's getting harder Honda, sorry to tell you.

This makes me feel warm and fuzzy in a stupid way.

What do you know, you're just a monkey.

You know why people go fishing?

Not at all. Simply answering his question. The appeal of MMA to many is that barbarism which has been expelled from nearly every other aspect of life but still seeks an outlet.

Yeah I know, I just used it.
