Audi-os, amigos

Riley Cooper's cool with you guys, right?

Hell yeah. More like this. Down with institutionalized cynicism.

Platewave: Adding "I Know Where You Live" to the road rage arsenal.

You SHOULD hit a dog to reprimand it, but that's neither here nor there.

ROD and Track?

ROD and Track?

I noticed that too. The only guy that isn't (bottom left of the screen) is calling for him to pass it to someone else.

I'm just another person telling you how impressive that piece was, Greg. Bravo, for real.

Dave, you rock. Say hi to Doug and Craig for me :)

This Lamborghini looks more polished, mature, and dignified than anything Ferrari is currently making.

I like your username.

"Oh you've already got a -....well, you want it anyway?"

Yeah the new Taurus sucks.

Came for the "I'm American," stayed and laughed at the "...and peel out."

Canada's mascot dies off every winter, in droves!

Feel better? Got it out of your system?

Fair enough. It wasn't my intention to go on a patriotic tirade, but when some schmuck says this to me, I'm not just going to take it.

"Whoa there, slow down buddy, that's too much food." - Dave Thomas

I wasn't clear, sorry.

"You're welcome! Everyone, you're welcome."