Audi-os, Amigos!

I think Bruno Senna is the only driver that everyone wants to see do well

Oh dear. I'm on the record, maybe here or just Twitter, as saying I generally find MillerCoors to be better than AB/InBev, which counts for ... something.

lolz a Coors ad popped up when I clicked this article

Smart move by LeBron. Play fuckin year to year in the mid of your prime, and ensure you gobble up any new revenue stream opportunities that develop. Lock in the long term deal when you have 2-3 prime years left, ideally landing that 6+ year deal as allowed by CBA.

He is going to the Lakers, as soon as Kobe is shoved out the door.

@kevinlove: Stop trying to find a way to OPT-OUT and just OPT-IN. Be apart of something special! Just my thoughts

I'm trying to understand why anyone would follow Delta's Facebook page.

There are so many times I say this in conversation, when someone mentions a mistake or whatnot, and no one ever picks up on it. :(

+1 melting face

He chose...poorly.

Most likely some kind of paint remover you don't want on your face if you don't want it peeling off.

What an idiot. She does know they were searching for the most cavalier dancer, right?

If Jalopnik commenters were to be believed, Cadillac would give the ATS-V away for free. Some of you are completely irrational when it comes to price.

It competes against the idea that Acura is a boring car company that's out of ideas.

It will run against the Porsche 911, Corvette and and $100,000 luxury coupes. The buyers will buy them to avoid the stereo types of the mentioned vehicles. Performance is not the top priority to NSX buyers,

You'll also look like 1/3 the asshole driving a Caddy, which to me is ++

I didn't know that started at 60k!