Solid contender for worst fucking episode.
Solid contender for worst fucking episode.
Remember when Legends was terrible? I’m so glad Legends got amazing! Bless them for quoting an old review from the bad times.
I don’t know which is worse: Adora telling Camille she never loved her as the latest joust of nearly unfathomable cruelty, or Adora — grateful that Camille has returned her favored daughter to her safely — deciding to show Camille the courtesy of stating her feelings toward her frankly.
I can’t imagine that Adora’s…
Thought it was interesting that the young boy said that he saw a white witch in the woods a cpl of eps ago and then Amma gives Camille a long white dress.
Yea it’s kind of amazing: apparently a guy (who just started commenting on Tuesday night) watched a show he didn’t like, found a recap he didn’t like of the show he didn’t like, then found another recap of the show he didn’t like, and circled back to comment on the recap he didn’t like. Best of luck to him.
Who calls "HBO" "the Home Box Office," as if it's derogatory in some manner?
I’m sorry you haven’t enjoyed the show so far, though good for you for sticking with it through 3 hours so far I suppose. I’ve found it to be intense, though of course in a quieter, more simmering way than, say, dragons torching armies. That said, you seem unfamiliar with the AVClub - it’s common for writers to add…
I’m so torn on this because I hate first person games. I’m the guy that has to play Fallout in third person because I need to see the world around me and not just what’s in front. But I’ll give CDPR the benefit of the doubt since Wild Hunt is one of my favorite games ever. I just wish Cyberpunk had the Fallout 1st/3rd…
I feel for him there, and I certainly wouldn’t condone going after him for that, or if he were still in mourning and not working. But he’s planning on making a shitty film based on a shitty book to promote a shitty worldview, and that’s fair game.
Really? Zack Snyder? The man with the subtlety of an anvil and the nuance of a middle schooler? The one who clearly revels in the idea of fascist strongmen dominating others? HE is the one they want directing an Ayn Rand novel?
I completely missed the joke about the dog’s name.
Remember Carolyn told Eve she thought that whoever the assassin is, they have started to show off. I think Villanelle is stalking Eve because she realizes that Eve “gets her”. In order to link all those murders together through many different countries it means Eve had to see the pattern. It means Eve sees what…
It has definitely taken me too many episodes to realize that the antagonist is literally named “villain-elle.”
Regardless, this show is delightful. The humor never lets up, but there are serious stakes here. I’m hoping Eve can wipe that smirk of Villanelle’s face by season’s end. Both the lead actresses are doing…
I would think that, especially with Bill’s death, that you would want someone on the team that can act as security, so if Villanelle shows up they have someone who can actually deal with her.
If Rosario Dawson is staying to the end, then no matter which guy Jane chooses, the winner will be Petra.
So, let’s see:
I’m kind of guessing that Anezka isn’t really dead and that’s who JR shot, just because having Petra be a murderer doesn’t sit well with me.
Fabulous show. Like others have commented, I’m a little obsessed. It’s refreshing to see a spy/action series where the leads are all women and the women basically run the show. Sandra Oh is a revelation here. Finally a show that’s worthy of her.
You know Ava is in a dark place when Sara Lance passionately kissing her and saying she loved her left her unmoved. My god. (Also what a brave, bold move for Sara!)