
Wringing their necks is a very fast an pretty painless death. How did you think chickens went to that great chicken coop in the sky?

I realize you’re joking a little bit, but even an asshole rooster who gets its neck wrung for being its assholiest has a WAY better life and death than chickens raised by factory farms.

The extent of her rooster knowledge appears to be gleaned from Foghorn Leghorn cartoons.

Truth. I can’t tell you how many chicken dinners I had as a kid because my dad walked in with a dead chicken, muttering under his breath and asking for a bandaid. Fastest way to get cooked is to attack the farmer.

Did this dim-witted shitbird get a rooster without ever, like, reading about roosters? “This stupid rooster won’t even play fetch and is useless when I take him duck hunting!”

It’s a more accurate version of that truism that men fear women will laugh at them, and women fear men will kill them. Really men fear anyone laughing at them and they will kill to prevent it/ punish the person they blame for it.

I mean, it’s toxic-masculinity in a nutshell. Kill anything that threatens your manhood, or whatever. It’s pathetic.

I think in the case of The Mooch his absence is probably preferable

I wish Mrs. The Mooch and her baby well. And by “well”, I mean her lawyers take the Mooch to the cleaners and never look back. Leave him with nothing but his foul mouth and vile reputation.

If you’re married and at the same time you’re licking another man’s arse, your wife will probably leave you.

Rumor is that divorce papers were all but signed until he won - that they lived separately in that penthouse, she’s had a boyfriend for years (which is part of why she didn’t want to leave NYC), and he was fine with her leaving. I buy it. She clearly hates him. Her face falling as soon as he looked away during the

Or as we say it in bastardized western NY Italian: FUNGU!

Uhm, “civilians”?!?

Except as soon as it gets to court, Scaramooch will be singing “I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me…”

I told Rooo the other day. Why are we calling him Mooch? This isnt grade school.

“You vill be dying soon, yes?”

I wish her luck in returning to the dating pool and finding herself a new wallet, er, I mean man.

‘Leave civilians out of this. I can take the hits, but I would ask that you would put my family in your thoughts and prayers & nothing more.’

Life comes at ya quick.

I really need this to get messy. Where are the tabloids when you need them?