
Eh, I have no doubt he suffers from some things in the DSM-5, but he sure is not legally insane. He was very aware of his actions, the wrongness of his actions, and I hope he burns in Hell.

American Communists during the early years of the 20th century were pro-equality. The idea of making women and non-whites equal to white males was one of the main motivation behind the anti-commie red scare.

The original communist theorists argued that race was a social construction used to exploit the periphery, and that human progress could only be possible if distinctions based on race (or gender, or ethnic background) were erased. All governments that adopted it were of course racist (and sexist and elitist) as fuck,

Yes! Thank you! Like yeah, I have a host of mental conditions and *shocker* it doesn't cause me to go murder people. This was racism mixed with a grab bag of other -isms, maybe some self-loathing and a whole lot of confusion. Not mental illness.

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.

Not sure I could love this comrade more.

We had a Juneteenth lunch today and it started off so somberly due to the SC mess.

I don’t get those ugly, thick, grandpa sandals. And women just buy them just because they’re in magazines, and some of them are very expensive. But they’re literally something grandparents have worn for decades.

Apparently there’s an epidemic of scissoring rape in SC?

God I’m glad I live in the UK. My 5 year old got supremely pissed off that a fire drill wasted his teacher’s time because there wasn’t a real fire.

This is why we drink.

we don’t need no water, let the motherfucker burn.

When will the white leaders speak out against the savage violence committed by the white community?

OF COURSE he was taken alive. Guy guns down 9 people in a church, but he is white so he isn't too dangerous to take alive.

My sister teaches fourth grade in NJ. Apparently, in her district, fourth grade is the first year they do the full drill with cops, guns, etc. It’s “too scary” for the younger kids. Because, you know, by the time you’re nine and a big, brave fourth grader, you should totally be down with policemen sweeping through

my friend is a sub at her local elementary school and they had a lockdown recently. there were police on the roof, and swat teams. apparently some of the police barged into a room with kids in it. some kids weren’t allowed to use the bathroom. but the saddest thing is, of all of that, was they were all so good because

This week, my son’s class wrote letters to next year’s second graders so they’d know what to expect. It broke my heart when he told me that he wrote about lockdown drills - his advice was that they are scary, but if you stay quiet and still and listen to the teacher, they’re over soon.

Today, I’m reminded of some other little girls: Addie, Denise, Carole, and Cynthia. Their deaths over 50 years ago (also in a church) still scar our country. Like Solange, I’m tired. I’m angry. But mostly, I feel a sad sense of dèjá vu.

My first thought was how smart she was to do that, my second was how horrifyingly sad it is that a five year old would need to know how to do that.

She probably learned what to do in an active shooter situation in school because there are so many school shootings. :(