
I think reading this Craiglist entry just now has ruined any chance there might have been of me ever re-purposing 'pre-enjoyed' yoga mats!

Wasn't this how one of the first F117 test plane crashed? Except it wasn't Brandon's fault this time, but down to the controls being accidentally reconnected inverted after a rebuild or suchlike...

A sad day for British and International motorsports...RIP Dan and thoughts to his family...

Now playing

Ah, I remember that ad from back in the day, and yeah, it remined me of the 740 and 850 videos people have posted below.

I nominate our beloved Queen Lizzie, the original Jalop Royal:

At Mark Webber's recommendation of its real world similarities, the Valencia Grand Prix circuit...

Yeah hopefully, because that one especially doesn't have quite the same impact if you have to read it out yourself...

And if you're going to choose number 1, don't pass up the option to super-size it!

Not sure it counts as the weirdest in the world, but there's a pair of these on the dual carriage way just down the road from the Goodwood Estate that always make me chuckle...

As it's channelling WolframAlpha, does that mean you'll get the correct answer when you ask it to 'Open the Pod Bay Doors, Hal'?

Just out of curiousity, how does this actually work? I guess I don't know what it is that the heat is actually damaging in the first place (the varnish?), so i'm not sure what aspect of the hot steam is getting rid of the mark...

If you guys are referring to Brutus, I'm not sure if the good people at the Bayerische Motoren Werke would be too chuffed to have their 46 litre plane engine referred to as a 'Bentley'... It's a pretty multi sensory experience though...I saw it last year at the Pageant of Power

Aw man, I live near all the wrong woods...All you find abandoned in mine are prophyactics and dog poop...

I'm guessing there's no holier-than-thou-hybrids on here as they belong to the genus 'white goods' rather than the family automobilia?

That was a great piece by Brian, and he's sort of gone up in my view because of it. Like a lot of commenters at the time, I thought Giz went too far with the iPhone 4 story and started to show a massive disrespect to their readership by just playing for page hits and relentlessly spinning off related stories,

The pun was obfjiously too stealthy for them...


There may well be people who spend most of their time in environments quiet enough for this to work, and probably with few enough people around them to avoid looking like you're doing a Shatner captain's log impression every time you have a salient thought...And I guess they're going to love it...

...and seeing your username in my notifications always make me think Tony Kaye's taken my star away (again!) :-)