
Isn't that power station built over/near four faultlines? Let's hope mass salp love-ins don't pre-empt unusual seismic activity...

EDIT: oops, double post from main thread...

That's the same one I have, happily going strong :) And yes I prefer 1920x1200 as a working resolution too, over full HD.

I thought that was strange too. I've got an older 16:10 ratio Dell at home and a rather smart EIZO at work that are both 1920:1200... :) I find it a much more comfortable working resolution than 1920 x1080.

So I guess this allows you to play that funke music right (boy)...

Or move to the VFX industry, you'll never have to worry about working (only) 9-5 ever again! ;)

I think something similar to the cleaning cupboard in Trajan's column copy at the V&A happened in what became the Great Court at the British Museum. I seem to remember they had to do a bit of stone-matching at the base of one pillasters as someone had seemingly considered it the perfect place to install a toilet while

I still think they should split the model line and bring back a functional volvo...something around V70 size, but without without a fighter pilot driving position and going back to when the design brief was 'must accommodate 4 burly Swedes in winter coats and big hats', rather than 'must accommodate the

"what could they do that's not basically incremental?"

Good call, I think you're right...

How about you guys take the theme park, questionable money over safety attitude from the current one, for your new track and just leave us the old one? ;) We'll throw in the occasional stateside visitation from Ms Schmitz, and Clarkson in (the back of) a Transit Van as a sweetener...?

I've lived here for a while now, so I'll accept 'Londoner' ;)

That's Charing Cross Road going north I reckon. The brown brick building on the left is one of the old Central St Martin's art college buildings and that looks like CentrePoint in the distance on the right... (so yes, London :) )

Now playing

This probably has to be in here somewhere...even if maybe those mini don't quite tick the 'total sound' box... ;)

This isn't a million miles away from the idea Pohl and Kornbluth had in The Space Merchants in 1953 [] about all the food coming from a giant beating protein heart called 'Chicken Little'... Although this almost feels somehow more gross...and preparing the birds for 'stacking' is not something I'd want

So, based on the wing-mirror and wing-mirror stalk in the picture, and the reflected door handles and that it seems to have 4 doors, what car do we reckon the journalist was test driving? :)

Yeah, while I definitely get the improved day-to-day bonuses of an automated car when everything's going to plan, it's the increased scale of the potential disaster when things aren't. You're driving your car at the moment, something starts to go wrong, you'll know about it pretty quickly, which will increase your

I totally agree, but imagine the carnage if people had taken to cars with no fear at all...that's my worry, that some people might be too willing to adopt the change without giving it the proper respect...An autonomous car is really clever, by the looks of it, but it's still a car, travelling at speed, with mass, and

I'm still terrified of the idea of these being released to the general public. Not because of a fear of progress and technology, but just because of the unquestioning faith people might start putting into them to not get anything wrong. If we see the problems people get into by blindly following sat nav, it's not too

Thanks! It's always nice to be part of something that can evoke an emotive response...Especially when its done with artfully arranged german engineering! :)