
I think the idea that the "showstopping" nature of the "natural patina" on this is its main feature is genius... "Buy this rusty car, everyone will look at you!"

Sometimes is definitely the key word there... Sometimes it's great...sometimes it's lemon-fresh and toilet related... ;)

I do, and it really is worth it (Having people stand on your feet after leaving the toilet door open to their stinking plane food ejections next to you doesn't even register as a issue, compared with the alternative...) And that sucks that it's not an option...You'd think someone would have jumped on the revenue

As something like this included pre-visualising the edit to fit it to the chosen ideas and archival footage, and testing out to see if things like the forming metal ideas would work as imagined, it's at least a good couple of months with about a half dozen guys and gals on it... Also decisions made in production

I hear you, as I share your dimensions and proportions... British Airways used to, unofficially, take it into account when taking booking if you mentioned it (I think 6'5" was the cut off) and they'd try to sort you out, if the plane wasn't chock full of teeny-tiny frequent flyers who liked sitting in the emergency

He he, I know it breaks the 'no shameless self-promotion' rules on here but I did do a few small things on that piece... :) A bit of pre-vising to get the two 911s chasing each other across the bonnet here, and some of the shape animation to get the crease to run with the speedster up the flank there...

Shame, for a while there (in the mid-2000's) I was really looking forward to them, and more recently I was hoping they'd turn up as accurately colour-gradeable reference monitors at work...oh well, bring on the OLEDs and CDs!

Fun little project, nicely done. I wonder if she was disciplined and added the day's chosen second at the end of each day (or just shot one second a day?) Or if she wasn't left it all to the end of the week/month/year and then rummaged through hours of cats and gigs :)

Whatever happened to SED screens? It was the Canon brainchild being developed along with Toshiba, since the 80's or so. If I remember rightly the idea behind it was like having the equivalnet a tiny little cathode ray tube firing electrons at pixel size onto the back of the screen. So you got all the colour benefits

I think the Mustang looks sweet with the polished metal, but I think if these two were done up in the same way they'd give it a run for its money....

It's cool that they gave the features to those who had already paid. It's one of my favourite apps and I use it all the time so I felt it was worth the cost for me, but getting included in the pro update is a nice touch on their part makes me feel warm and fuzzy and full of festive cheer towards them...(you may insert

I don't know how to reply to two commenters at once, (is that even possible?) so see above!...

@oneaustin Wow, really? That's terrifying... I'm guessing that's in place for the sake of making things 'easier' for employers, and not have the government 'interfering' with how people run their businesses...? And while government control is one thing, I'd rather take a bit of interfering that gives me some rights as

Ok, so on rereading, I guess this is more about severance pay after you've actually left, rather than a notice period before you leave...In which case I think you'd have to be pretty slick to get this to work in a lot of cases...

As I'm guessing this is written from a US point of view, and assuming this doesn't apply to fixed length contracts, don't you generally/legally get some sort of mutual notice period to end your employment? ie If you want to leave you give notice and if they don't need you anymore, they give notice...Or are you just

I hear the past is a foreign country, and that they do things differently I guess it's best to be prepared for any cultural differences of opinion!

Part of me has always wanted that, but then a greater part of me has never wanted to hear whatever grating, squealing, bratty voice someone would inevitably choose for Calvin... I think Bill was right to leave it with the one we have in our heads...

Great minds, with spooky timing... ;)

P. d'Auxbear - Modern, believed to be a contemporary of the 'Free Candy' liberation artists...

'Anon +1' - the Volvo Body performance artists...