
The Tunnel taxi...or 2 wheels + 4 wheels = roadkill...

If it's entering the atmosphere above Arizona, I hope it remembered its ID papers...

I'm guessing it's more a case of being able to turn pre-existing lines on and off, rather than having an entire floor of customisable LED patterns...Which is a shame...

If it's going to take a cut of their cash, they could at least have given it some natty leopard print detailing, and possibly a cane...

"You mean there are still people out there who tie their shoe laces?"

Oops, yeah, mixing up my tragic air disasters there... (And trying to put 40+ in a Twin Otter would probably remove any mystery as to why it might have crashed...)

Well this article was considerably less depressing then I thought it was going to be...the title made me think it was going to involve humans...

Without wanting to sound too crude, I'm guessing it wasn't in airplane mode...

I just hope that after this 'anticlimax', the next time a hurricane comes through somewhere else, the powers-that-be don't go 'Pfff, we've been through a hurricane now too and I don't know what all the fuss is about...Emergency help? I don't think so...'

I hope you get it! But yeah, if they ask you during the interview how you much you want the job, it might be a plan to have a backup, less, er, bodily, answer too! ;)

Good luck with the (potential) job at McLaren... Getting inspired by possibly their most famous 'son' really can't do any harm! :)

So long as it's better than the painful extortionate farce that is the London Borough of Westmisnter's telephone parking payment system you guys should be alright. It's so convoluted and so prone to not working as it should that it really doesn't inspire the confidence that you've got it all sorted and that your car

"We balk when a Middle Eastern autocrat threatens to shutter BBM, but when the Prime Minister of a sophisticated, liberal society proposes the same thing, the western world gives him a chance to explain himself. Surely, there must be some rationale! We oughtn't be so fair."

Most of these and a lot of the 'imminent threat' kind of comments below don't particularly protect against the way most people had their properties affected though...through fire.

Really? So the police are putting up CCTV stills followed by a description of what they were doing e.g. " 22:45:26hrs 8 August: a female wearing a vest top who has just carried items from Richer Sounds." and you feel that's somehow unfairly demonising her as scum?

Brixton's my neck of the woods too and it was a total mess on Monday morning, but somehow I feel we were lucky that we had most of the rioting on Sunday night as opposed to last night, as by then it seemed to have stepped up a level...Yes they burned FootLocker, but at least no one lives above that so unlike Tottenham

Alas poor Kodachrome, I knew him...Where be your colours now?... :(

I think, as they were commissioned by the Office of War Information, that there was probably a certain amount of posing involved. Also as some of them are pretty low light, they probably couldn't have been too active...(did Kodachrome go above 200/400 ISO?)

After finding out what EVE's previous job was, Wall-E suddenly finds himself a lot less interested in holding her 'hand'...

Didn't one of the reports say the whole of the left side was trashed and the door was ripped off...Or maybe that was just written by someone who hasn't seen scissor/gullwing doors before...