Yay! Screw pedestrians who have the right of way! Oh wait...
Yay! Screw pedestrians who have the right of way! Oh wait...
Yes you should be charged with assault, dipshit, which is why doing that will get you charged with assault. It’s incredible so many of you whiny knobs need to have this explained to you but it is illegal for you to run over someone regardless of whether or not they are too black and uppity and/or you’re late to work.
Go fuck yourself, you apathetic human skidmark. There’s a reason you’re getting lumped in with these people; it’s because you believe all the same things they do but are too lazy to attend the Klan rallies.
Hi! Hitting a nazi, and a nazi running you over in their car are not the same thing. The slope is not slippery. It’s pretty stable.
Assaulting someone with a deadly weapon for inconveniencing you with their protest? How reasonable and proportionate!
Uh, yeah, no. It doesn’t matter how much you’re inconvenienced, you’re not allowed to run people over, dickhead. Maybe your neighbor feels like they want to get on with their lives because you’re mowing the lawn at 6 a.m. Do they get to come over and beat the fuck out of you? No. Get the fuck out of here.
If people are protesting all the way around your work and your boss isn’t sympathetic if you are late, you didn’t need that job anyway.
Counterpoint: fuck you if you think it’s cute or satisfying to hurt someone because you’re too important to take a detour.
It makes sure that the issues aren’t ignored. The Right has a habit of whining that inconvenience will force them to side against good people. The reality is that the only thing worse than a Rightist that votes for terrible things is someone that thinks its okay to put their head in the sand, and ignore it.
ah, the ole ‘protesting is your right until it’s slightly inconvenient’ rant. it’s nice because it’s subtle, yet it still allows the bigots to show their true colours - ‘I DON’T HATE THESE PEOPLE, I’M JUST REALLY EXCITED TO KILL SOME’.
Are you really questioning the merit of prosecuting drivers who run over pedestrians?
I work 80+ hours a fucking week
Funny thing - here in America, you don’t actually have the right to drive on any road at whatever time you like.
Well, to be fair there’s been instructional videos how to mow down Conservative protestors for a while.
don’t get your liberal college ass in the way.
Hi. You aren’t allowed to hit people with your car. Even if you think you have a good enough reason. Just...someone needs to clear this up with you.
So, If Fox Noise creates videos like these, then someone is inspired to go out and kill and maim citizens, that means survivors can use our courts to drain the money out of Fox and the Murdoch Family to pay the hospital bills and assuage the feelings of loss from the next death of a simple demonstrator.
White Supremacists - using the same tactic as ISIS. but they totally aren’t terrorists.
Fun fact! Conservative American terrorists have committed 2-3 times more terrorist attacks and killed more Americans on US soil than Islamic terrorists since 9/11.
So...Fox News endorses and facilitates terrorism. Sounds like the FBI should be investigating them.