Auburn and Ivory

So tell us, Mr. Piven, what exactly IS a “constructive dialogue”? One in which ghastly details are whispered, but no names are named, no bastards are outed, and everything continues on the same as before? I bet it is, isn’t it.

I had to google for that, and there are recipes. They look fucking delicious...pun fully intended.

Same here. It’s a one-coat wonder on my eyes, but with two coats, it’s a wowzer.

He’s an asshole to everyone? Color me shocked.

Meanwhile, I’m thinking now that what was really going through his head was “Oh man, all the boobs I could have groped with impunity!”

Right? What IS that, the Douchebag Secret Handshake?

Whenever I hear it phrased in terms of pushing, my mind goes straight to wheelchairs. And cliffs.

Like, how could any well-meaning gentleman reasonable by expected to know the difference between asking a woman out and sexually harassing her.

“Love Strike”? OFFS, no. As Tina Turner would say, what’s love got to do with it? She was married, she had a child, she had all the love she wanted. These old letches were after something that she wasn’t giving them -- egoboos and BJs, most likely.

I can’t imagine anyone sleeping with him voluntarily. My guess is he yelled lewd shit at her; he seems the basic type.

If they did, there’d be literally nothing left of him. But yeah.

Male Feminist Here,” a satire of male feminism and allyship that ran for three months in 2015

And he absolutely was not one. Nor was he really a boyfriend. He was a skeezy guy who went through the motions, taking advantage of the relative inexperience of a younger woman, particularly when you were under the influence. You are not to blame for taking him at face value; you couldn’t have known what he really was

Blame the moms? But what about TEH MENZ???

There used to be a Dick List on the Disgruntled Housewife site, but it’s been out of service for some time now.

“And worst of all, they told me to sit down to pee!”

“They basically told me that if I didn’t chop my dick off, I couldn’t continue to work there. And I told them no. I need my dick.”

Yes...but by the sounds of it, it *was* hers. If she’s anything like me at 19, a university student living away from home, in a province where the legal drinking age is 19 also, she’s bound to be so drunk on her new “freedom” as well as whatever alcohols she’s been chugging, that she just can’t recognize when a creepy

Ironically, the man who does that is more of a feminist than about 99.9999(repeating)% of the men who CALL themselves feminists.