Auburn and Ivory

The same ones who kvetch about women going to the bathroom in groups. Yes indeed.

Such fragile, mercurial, hormonal creatures. Can we really trust them to run governments, industries, militaries, etc.?

Also, saltines are offended by the comparison to this soggy slice of Wonder Bread.

I have a feeling you’re right. But she’s not as think as you drunk she is, honesht ossifer!

(insert bad joke here about walking after dark, carrying a can of ice tea and a bag of candy...)

I don’t think it would help her. She’d sit there for two whole seconds, moving her lips, before throwing it aside and running out on her porch yelling slurs.

Her idea of “racist” is “somebody who isn’t nice to special white snowflakes like me, me, ME!”

She’ll probably complain of all the n-words in the jail, too.

Well, if you hate your neighbors so much, LEAVE.

No, they’re something else...I’m not sure what. But it’s a cosplay fail, that much is for damn certain.

Funny how “speech” means something different (Nazi salutes, obscenities, slurs, assaults) to these guys than it does to anyone who’s actually out there speaking their mind. Like the leftist protesters, for instance, who were actually practicing freedom of speech. And whom these guys were out there specifically to

Sloppiest Hitler salute I ever saw. Why do these guys think they’re supreme, again?

That, and/or they didn’t want to give their names for fear that they’d be publicized, and that they’d be hounded by this guy’s unjailed buddies.

Jesus, Mary and sweet fancy Moses...was he planning to grab HER by the pussy, too?

Complete sicko that I am, I laughed and was horrified at the same time. And found out that it’s quite possible to do/be both.

That one was truly ripped from the headlines. Probably this one:

Token “dapper fascist” on the tweeter? I dunno. Your guess is as good as mine.


The armband is in his closet, being saved for the Big Day, no doubt.

The third one looks like a Muppet. Can it be one, please?