
When I was a boy, Morbius was one of my favorite Marvel tragic-villains. He did not want to be evil. He hated the evil within him. But he still gave that evil free rein when his survival was threatened or he thought a cure might be within reach. He could be vicious, even if feeling bad about it later.

I think you raise some excellent points.

Many a murderer regrets his life choices while sitting on death row and wants to make amends. And some of them even have sympathetic stories.

But would they — or Vader — regret their evil ways were they not trapped with no way to escape the consequences of their actions?

Ah, I had no idea evil Force Ghosts even existed. I knew that evil Force presences existed — that tree thing that Luke entered in The Empire Strikes Back for example — but I did not know evil intelligences could live on.

Even so, Force Ghost Anakin’s chumminess with Force Ghosts Yoda and Obi-Wan at the end of Return of

Oh yeah, I best not hear Anakin Force Ghost utter a single comment about how much he hates sand. That would truly be the final straw!

I love Star Wars and was all in until that moment Darth Vader found redemption. The man had murdered many, many more men, women, and children than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined. Then, in the very last moments of his life, Vader realizes, “Oops, I made a mistake. I was Himmler to the Emperor’s Hitler for almost the

Presumably one of the pig-faced orcs.

I liked the other Marvel Disney Plus MCU shows, but this one is already wearing a bit thin. I enjoyed Captain Carter and the alternative Star Lord episodes, but the others? Not so much. Too grim.

The good guys losing every now and this is fine. It can make for a good story. But this is not Moby Dick or 1984. These are

I missed that. Years of annoyance all in vain and erased in an instance.

How Palpatine survived the destruction of the second Death Star is the least of my questions. First I want to know why he had that seemingly bottomless vertical shaft in his throne room. That really seems like a bad idea from the get-go. I also want to know it fit it in there too. It should never have been that deep

In the comic books — at least the ones I read as a boy — Shang-Chi never seemed able to keep his shirt on for very long.

“Discovered in the mid-2000s?

Agree. I love Cheadle, but he barely appeared in the series. Meanwhile, Lumbly owned every scene he appeared in. This should have been an easy choice.

True, but all these absurd from Nunes et al. are performive. Their purpose is to fire up the base, not to win. Each time some meritless lawsuit is tossed, they can blame the “Deep State” or liberals or whatever of denying them justice. Then their followers, driven by righteous anger, donate more money.




Wow! I’ve never seen this show, but that “Our Sheet” commercial was the most awesome bit of satire I’ve seen in a long time. I could not help but laugh out loud when that guy spoke of “trumping” the competition.

Wow! I’ve never seen this show, but that “Our Sheet” commercial was the most awesome bit of satire I’ve seen in a long time. I could not help but laugh out loud when that guy spoke of “trumping” the competition.

I am shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

One of the last comics I read as a boy before moving on to less satisfying endeavors as the one in which Spider-Man dumped the slain corpse of his clone into an incinerator stack. Whatever I thought. Years later, reading of all that resulted of that ordinary (in my opinion) storyline, I realize that the “Clone Saga”