
Had to look that one up. Not sure I’ve ever heard of it before now.

I had been thinking the same of the MUC movies. With most the big money bringers leaving — Tony Stark, Natasha, Steve Rodgers for starters — the thought of declining profits must have occurred to someone in management. This might explain the unfortunate (in my opinion) departure of some supporting played by highly

Yeah, I am sure those boys would absolutely be working on a way to do that. Still, I should think that humans capturing a Q would be similar to a mouse climbing onto the back of a crocodile, then claiming to have captured it.

Not heard of it. Will have to look it up.

Humm. Thereby becoming his own great-grandfather.

Wasn’t there a Futurama episode with a similar plot?

It’s kinda been alluded to that maybe he’s not alright here and it’s quite possible something is wrong with the Continuum itself and this might be his way of reaching out to an old friend for help.”

Yeah, I think you are correct. We are seeing from Q what I would almost say is fear almost bordering on panic. His

Yeah, that makes sense, He seems fond of Picard — perhaps fond in the same manner I am fond of my cat, but still fond nonetheless — and often tries to give his human friend that thing Picard “doesn’t know he wants or needs.”

Perhaps you are correct, and my assessment too harsh. Still, it seems even in those instances you mention, humans trying to help Q in his times of need so do with condescension and impatience.  

To be fairly honest, I’ve never really been sure just what Q is and what’s he’s all about. Perhaps I need to catch up on some

I will say with only slight exaggeration that I find the majority of Star Fleet personnel seem to be either: (1) impossibly intelligent and competent, (2) insanely stupid and incompetent, or (3) impossibly intelligent yet insanely incompetent.

Of course, my observation might be tainted by the negative opinion I hold

Just one man’s opinion here, but ...

Raffi does bring something up that should have been said a long time ago. The varying crews of different Federation starships have encountered Q time and again over the years. Now here we have a being that might fairly be described as a god, albeit a frequently foolish one. With a

The fossil is named Syllipsimopodi bideni after President Joe Biden ... .”

I’m betting you-know-who will be throwing a jealous hissy fit after learning of this.”

Could be. Of course, the Prussians would have to made one hell of a detour to be near the Back Forest, but still a bit more believable than having English soldiers fight nymphs. It would also explain why the Prussians were late arriving at Waterloo. :D

About the Necromancer, was there a British army anywhere near the Black Forest during the Napoleonic Wars?

I initially thought that likely as well, but this episode would seem to confirm that it was indeed Clint that slaughtered the Tracksuit mob.

Damn you. I’ve spent decades forgetting that gawd-awful movie, and you just had to bring it up, didn’t you?

Damn. I wish I could give your comment more than one like. Were I not so lazy, I would create a handful of bot accounts just to give you and your magnificent water jug more likes.

This episode suggests that Ronin targets might have been selected by someone other than Clint. Kingpin might have aimed Clint at Maya’s father, but I’m fairly certain Clint would not have spent five years working as Kingpin’s personal assassin. Fury might seem the obvious mastermind, but he was absent during the blip.

Love it with one caveat:

I will be very disappointed should Yelena prove to be an assassin for hire. Sure, Clint and Natashia were assassins, but they thought — not always correctly — that they were working for a greater good. Yelena might think killing Clint justified, believing him to have murdered Natashia, but she

I want an origin story for that remarkable sword. Where did it come from? Wakanda? Tony Stark? Did one of Thanos’s minions drop it in Avengers: Infinity War? Perhaps Clint acquired it in some adventure never put to screen.

Did I just somehow miss its origin in some prior Marvel movie or show?

On Clint’s encounter with Jack, “There’s no drama in it.”

Well, that depends, doesn’t it? In the comic books, they share a lot of history. Jack was Clint’s mentor way back when both were simply performers in some third rate circus. Their paths crossed many times thereafter, both as opponents and allies. Much later,