Those suits ain't bad. The ties, maybe. (They would've gotten extra points if they Hoge-ized the size of the tie knots to D-cup level.)
Those suits ain't bad. The ties, maybe. (They would've gotten extra points if they Hoge-ized the size of the tie knots to D-cup level.)
Here, let South Park explain it:
"Finnish mobile game developer Supercell has reported revenue of $892 million for 2013, a significant gain on 2012′s revenue of $101 million. With just two games released ('Clash of Clans' and 'Hay Day')"
Not the same game, but similar. These freemium apps are always highest grossing in the app stores.
Drew Magary's Thursday Afternoon NFL Dick Joke Jamboroo runs every Thursday during the NFL season. Email Drew here.
Pierre, relax. It says right in the cool headline the revolution is on hold. There's still time to get out.
"Hardin County Sheriff John Ward said those who go into law enforcement typically do it because they have a desire to shoot minorities...
Leave it to a creationist to start making shit up.
Those Xs were actually supposed to go over his eyes as a tribute to the New York Knicks.
$4,000? What god damned moron pays $4,000 for tickets to a game>?
Good to see the Stanford Tree getting lucky in 2015.
I get that this makes us all feel better, but its not like justice was served because dude lost a football game.
Better pro? Maybe. Better con? Definitely.
This is the most glorious thing I have ever read on Deadspin. How can this be topped? It can't.
I like to think he is the best of all of us.
your a idiot
Dude, shut the fuck up.
This is oso good.
Perfect timing with "He can't wait to interact with the kids."