Turinoi Lo

Yeah his fucking bros just all decided to pay him back at once. That’s totally believable. 

I can’t watch this. Looking at her ugly, racist face is hilarious enough.

I guess after the Petit-Frere coup, you could say that Ohio State is no longer a little brother in this rivalry....

The door is over there? Great, thanks.

Uh. Holy shit.

Don’t you put that evil on me ricky bobby

I remain convinced that the project was named after the X-man


That same member later clarified that, “ACTUALLY, the creature was Frankenstein’s MONSTER.”

Not all of us were born to straight parents.

You really couldn’t tell he was joking? Seriously?

Finally, a NPOCP offering that tells the world, “You have beautiful skin. I’d like to wear it.”

Isn’t the lack people watching bad football the free market at work??!?

It’s OK to have conflicting feelings about something. I have fond memories of the Dukes of Hazzard, but I also recognize that continuing to trot out symbols of a failed rebellion only serves to drive a wedge between me and people who were abused and marginalized under the ideas of the failed confederacy. Many of these

Why do you want to buy just the roof?

Boy, sure was a good thing the public ponied up all that dough for their terrible ass stadium, you know, so the taxpayers can go watch the awesome team that has been assembled.

Yes, let’s give the owners more money.

No. Players earning what they’re worth is a good thing.

I’d be careful if I were Stanton. Last thing he wants is the hard hitting investigative reporters of The Player’s Tribune on his case.

And 100% of these kids’s parents wouldn’t rent out their Air BnB to people with “black sounding names.”