Glen Rice: “Hot!” /takes
Glen Rice: “Hot!” /takes
need Gran Turismo
I realize there are so many problems with this: i.e., false equivalence, fear-mongering, religious discrimination, etc, but I can’t contain my disbelief about the 5-10% “true number”. Where did that come from? I think we need Peter King to pensively conjure how quasi-legitish that figure really is.
Pittsburgh Steelers: Terry Bradshaw is still alive!
Not to appropriate the term back to the whites or anything but this term always invoked to me the man-boy sexual relationships of ancient Greece. I thought it specifically referred to the idealized teenage object of homoerotic lust. Fuckboy couldn’t possibly be that old, of course.
“I killed a BIG SPIDER and pooped in a PUBLIC BATHROOM.”
[Nod approvingly]
Maybe as player-coach?
Whose filthy baseball heat is this?
Croce is a wealthy and influential person. He owns much more than one piddly bar - he has a variety of downtown real estate holdings. We’re talking about a guy who owns a helicopter. He is business savvy. I doubt he is afraid of dram shop liability. The reason Croce blamed the victim here is that he sees himself as a…
Came here to say this, too. Also, to add: real maple syrup is so, so good and fake maple syrup is so, so bad. It’s like comparing a Slim Jim to a rib-eye.
Those Hammer away kits, though!
Your comment is so original, useful, creative and insightful. Someone must have helped you. Don’t forget to credit your source(s).
bumper delete and we’re good to go
Those are Baby Ruth bars, not doody.
Interesting that it’s put in terms of pay. Maybe if it was a contract year for Brady it would be easier to make the argument that he would be missing games where he would be trying to showcase his talents for a new deal. As it is, Brady’s current agreement has him inked through 2017, when he’ll be 39 years old.
#1 cartoon duo: Ambiguously Gay Duo
You mean, Dorito Dink and The Deflator?
If you do have an actual reason, its better to complain to every govt agency that deals with manufacturers, and then eventually if they think theres a problem they’ll fix it.
Contract the NHL! Presently, there isn’t even a star player on each team. There should be 20-24 teams and they should make some changes to encourage scoring while they’re at it!