Attractive Nuisance

I’d bet good money, too, that a lot of these guys honestly think if they don’t demand sex/hit on just about every woman they exchange more than ten words with, they’re “doing it wrong.” Like, they won’t be able to keep their power if they don’t wield it over every single female and demand recompense from them for the

Relevant username. ♥

I’d rather have the flight delayed, and then canceled, and then the pilot quits, and then the airline goes out of business, and then the airport shuts down, and then all flights are grounded, and then humans lose the knowledge necessary for mechanical flight, than be on a barf plane.

Right. I don’t see any rip-off of Latinx cultures in the video, all I saw was her in a church with traditional religious imagery that’s NOT exclusive to Latin American culture but common in Europe, Africa, Middle East and South Asia. Iggy might have had some Catholic upbringing in her childhood. Some people just look

Noooo!!! Not Coral!!!

I just don’t give a single shit about Carl, never have. Since I always found him likable in the books, I’m gonna have to blame the actor.

Even if that’s true, so what?

Yes, that’s for sure. Apparently the ME report was widely criticized - as it should have been. Even if the plug reference was only a part of the named COD, that’s not a medical conclusion so it seems misplaced. Who knows whether that originated with the ME or with the cops asking for that from the ME, but the end

seconding everything you said

I have to be pro-comfortable feet for people who are figure skating. When you’re riding on 1/4" of metal at 15mph or however fast they go, you don’t want to flinch when you land.

Isn’t it an indictment of the whole concept that someone might be marked down for scuffs on their skate boots?

The tough love response? Support your female friend. Tell the asshole exactly why you are cutting him out, and that other people see his behavior badly, as well.

I’m glad she has an attorney. Hopefully they can get her some emergency funds so she can set up a decent living situation. Judges generally don’t look kindly on the sort of shit he’s trying to pull, so I hope it works out in her favor.

This was well done and well thought out but unfortunately not going to affect anything. MD has successfully painted himself as a victim of lady bullies and will continue his long winded disingenuous “I don’t understand why you don’t like me” b.s until we all go. He is a 20 something dude who constantly posts his 20

I’ve never had a personal problem with you. I suspect we are around the same age, and we definitely live in the same country. I have noticed, however, that you do make yourself at online home in places where others wouldn’t necessarily do.

Otherwise known as my FB feed.

Everyone is a giving great at advice for your friends and what she can do. For you, on the other hand, I would say all the things you have said her publicly. Let her know that you support her and let him know that he is being a scum bag.

It’s so bizarre how blind people are to themselves. What he’s doing right now is abusive (financial abuse, it’s a thing!). He should just pull up his socks and finish the mediation.

Firstly, you and your circle do not owe this man support or reassurance you don’t hate him. That is another of his unreasonable entitlements.

My parents divorced a few years ago and it was a similar situation. You sound like a good friend who can maybe sit her down and make her see that this is just another way he is abusing her. She deserves half of everything and to not be couch surfing! My mom went to an attorney and had them write up the divorce