Attractive Nuisance

That makes this even more sleazy to me. Imagine that you’re just trying to spend the Holidays with your family, and your former boss is trashing you in the press when you can’t respond and stealing the spotlight from your great performance at a brand new show. It was His Dark Materials’ season finale yesterday and I

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

I don’t think she’s implying that— I think she just thinks it’s OK for young teens to just be young teens and not feel like they have to be wearing crop tops and push-up bras, and that to see someone their age having a little more of a relaxed, fun approach to fashion-- rather than an overtly sexy grown-up one-- is a

Oh God, fuck this. I have my misgivings about it too, but I am so done with entitled dipshit fans like these.

The difference between this and Succession is one is well written.

So the bells made Dany into a crazed mass murderer? I understand her going off the deep end, but killing hundreds for no reason struck me as forced.

Totally this! A great day of shopping and gifts followed by, “how about your little one sleep in my room tonight for a sleepover?” would lead to a hard, “HELL NO” from me. But then I would hope I have the wisdom to not accept that sort of spending from anyone either.

Bingo! You nailed it

Not just the “Me Too” movement, but the whole Jimmy Savile thing would have brought it up as well.

I remember watching CT on MTV when I was in high school, which means he's been doing this longer than I've been at my job (over 17 years). So I guess, kudos????

Say it again for the people in the motherfucking back

  • The government shutdown is also turning the country’s national parks into lawless hellscapes. [Washington Post]

Pretty much... although in Harry’s defence, he has spoken about his mistakes from his “lol, I’m a teenage/early 20-something white male, being all edgy and shit” phase. He does seem to regret them and to have truly matured past a lot of that shit, which I think is a little bit admirable, considering all of his

It’s funny how Lagertha’s new hair actually makes her look even younger. They’ve always been vague on the characters ages, but I would assume Largertha would be around 50, yet that shade of hair, while technically gray, is a shade of silver I have never seen on anyone above maybe 25. Bjorn now looks like her older

Is Kate Hudson also going to demonstrate how to utilize professional chefs, trainers, and nutritionists to buy extremely healthy and expensive food and who can develop and cook healthy recipes for you while using an extensive home gym while all your kids are being taken care of either at school or by nannies?

 Holy shit, I didn’t even know about that. Yikes. 

The real kicker will be when they inevitably have a pregnancy plotline with a “who’s the father?” cliffhanger next season.

Having just completed my first semester of law school, I would gladly take a fiery prostitute over half the jackasses in my cohort.

I don’t know about the other one, but Pauly Perrette is not even close to reliable in any way shape or form.