
What say you, cheerleaders?

Tangentially related but how cute is Ian mckellen’s sign for the women’s march?

Spencer did nazi that coming....

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

That’s because MLK’s letter has often been abridged, which had the effect of turning it into a pure defense of non-violence. What the abridgement does is that if completely deletes the final part of the letter, which is a stern warning to White that non-violence is not an end into itself, it is but one step in the

Please stop letting this man use you guys for photo ops. Please stop.

The RFRA sucks donkey nuts. Not even off a good donkey who has a great personality, isn’t a bad looking donkey, calls his mom donkey every single night and pulls a really nice cart into town every day. No the Religious Freedom Restoration Act sucks the nuts of a shiftless douchebag donkey who never leaves the goddamn

The diamond business must be doing well, because shipping sure as shit isn’t.

Just FYI for those who for some stupid reason or another wonder why they’re protesting.

The lives and well beings of those who live there are being threatened. If that pipe breaks, their water source becomes contaminated.

Wow cool, I went through a time portal. I have no idea how the fuck i’m on the internet in 1816, but it certainly can’t be 2016. We certainly would not still be pulling shit like this in TWENTY FUCKING SIXTEEN!....oh wait we are. Sounds about right.

So? We have nothing to lose anyways? Why not shine a spotlight on how screwed up our system is for voting? How many provisional ballots are being thrown out, for example? And what’s wrong with making sure that we weren’t hacked?

NYT is the whitest and most moderate of white moderates lately.

“I will not tell you that...Tiffany’s...are my central concerns in life,” the mayor said.

Daddy Trump wants his kids and son-in-law to get top security clearance. This is NOT a joke. They’re gonna run America like a Mob family business. I wonder how long it will be before they try to get clearance for Alex Jones.

expand. I wouldn’t be surprised if he dies in office.