
I hope he hates every f-ing minute of it and that his hair falls out.

If even the domestics employed by billionaires are not safe, what chance do the rest of us have?

“Is butt stuff? Melania DOES NOT DO butt stuff. Is in contract.”

Always the Tiffany, never the Ivanka, eh Chris?

I think they are going to be lucky to get Joe to move out of his office. He will be sitting there in his bathrobe, feet propped up on the desk, as Tim Kaine tries to work around him and is too polite to ask him to leave.

One of our parenting strategies is called “The Biden.” If I need Mr. Atom to back me up on something, like YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST GO TO BED NOW, he will roll up behind me like Biden at a serious presser.

America I swear to Baby Jesus if we elect the man that the Dalai Lama is mocking we don’t deserve nice things ever again.

When the religious leader most associated with universal compassion mocks you, it’s time to take a look at your life choices.

A lot of brilliant people have been highly fucked up. Intelligence is no sign of being a decent human being.


“I’m not try, trying to be mean, but, I felt like you put yourself in that situation, you know what I mean?” said Parker. “I really felt like I didn’t do anything wrong.”

I ... it troubles me ... okay a lot of things about this trouble me, but what really sticks in my mind right this second is that she was so distraught, she attempted suicide, but all he can talk about right now is how this is affecting his life.

More because he cracks me up

Boyfriend does this, tampered down from his original line “How you doin’?” Which I quickly killed. I sent him this post this ensued.