
Most of these women grew up in an environment where they’re constantly told that girls are responsible for the behavior of the boys around them, and only sluts get raped. So this story to them sounds like exactly the sort of thing they were warned about. Thus, it’s her fault and he did nothing wrong. 

And now, some words of wisdom from our very stable genius president:

The call screener/producer was probably actively seeking female callers out, given the demographics for right wing radio programs. My mother was almost boosted onto a show like that for calling in as a black female Dem. with an opinion.

When you’re raised to believe these things it’s very, very hard to change. Not an excuse, just how it is. Also, gaslighting is a bitch.

I am also appalled, but not surprised. I had a female supervisor who blamed her stepdaughter for her own rape and thought if a woman accepts drinks from a man she is obligated to sleep with him. At the same time, she didn’t understand why Planned Parenthood was being defunded in our state because she knew they did so

Seriously.  For people who are crowing on incessantly about false accusations and people swinging the “sexual assault” charge around all-willy, they completely ignore (and in fact promote it) when someone of their own does the exact same thing to some completely random other guy.  

So some of the stolen pictures they are using to sell diet pills are from a woman with anorexia showing her struggle to gain a healthy weight but in reverse? And with other stolen pics of overweight women and fitness models thrown in to complete the catfish story?

It’s becoming increasingly clear that what they all want to say, but can’t quite bring themselves to openly admit, is “Brett Kavanaugh is of our tribe, therefore we will defend him against outsiders.” It’s the only defense they need. He’s a conservative, so he’s always right. They don’t want to admit that’s how they

The GALL to access a random dude of the attack holy shit. I thought ‘False threats of sexual assault’ were the worst things men could experience? Oh, right it’s just an excuse to act however they want with no repercussions and they also want this guy on the court no matter what.

And this is why I didn’t want that godawful idea for a show, “Confederate”, to become a thing: because some of y’all will be all, “Let’s dress as a sexy slave!” and be all, #teampaddyroller #overseerbae and shit...can’t trust folks with SHIT.

i’m so sorry that happened to you. my best friend got into a car accident years ago that compressed his spine, causing him to be a full two inches shorter and in near-constant pain. he’s also fat. he was getting treatment for his back issues from the date of the accident, and it’s still always been attributed to his

I also don’t like it being “between a person and her doctor” because most doctors (#notalldoctors, lol) are fucking useless at weight loss advice. I went in for a checkup and the doctor tut-tutted about my weight (wow, I’m fat? Gee doc I never noticed!) and instructed me, in one sentence, to “get more excercise and

I have terrible knee, hip, and back problems. I’ve been told repeatedly that I should lose the weight to make things better and that my weight is the cause of my problems.  No doctor has listened to me when I have told them that I have had knee issues since I was a skinny 12 year old or that the hip and back problems

Being fat shamed by the doctor is one of the reasons I’ve put off making appointments lately. Which as a public health person, I know is bad, but after having a nurse at the student health center spend most of my appointment time talking about my weight instead of what i actually went there for (birth control), I

I used to think that weight was between a person and their doctor. Then I had sciatica about 10 years ago. My first neurology appointment the doctor shamed me for 45 minutes about how my weight was causing my sciatica. Fast forward 9 years and 50# lighter.... I still fucking have that sciatica and wish I could scream

Why is it so hard for so many people to just not be an asshole to (fat) people?!?!

I’ve been obese and “thin.” I suffered nothing like the abuse/harassment others report while obese, but I’m sure treated better now. I went from completely invisible to suddenly very visible and it’s weird.

I’ve been not fat, I’ve been fat, I’ve been all over the ED spectrum. I’ve never been treated with the amount of incredulity, dismissal and disrespect as I was when I was fat. The actually serious medical problems I had were chalked up to my weight over and over, and I was sent home without any further investigation.

Anyone else uncomfortable with the name Forskolin?

Every day I see fake diet spam on Facebook that claims to somehow be related to Shark Tank featuring clips of people spooning chia seeds and shrinking foam in a giant container. Also mangled English (“how I love this product from shark!” coming from accounts with nonsense names. I report them several times a day, but