Alexander Skarsgard is in a British spy thriller. He’s gotta be batting them off him. An equally famous, attractive woman of his age would have been bombarded by poor unwed spinster narratives by now.
Alexander Skarsgard is in a British spy thriller. He’s gotta be batting them off him. An equally famous, attractive woman of his age would have been bombarded by poor unwed spinster narratives by now.
Celinu nunu sounds like the name Celine used for her bits when she was four.
Oh Aleks, bless your heart.
It’s actually several appliances in one. There is a pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, yoghurt, and steam setting. It is really popular in Asia where people have tiny kitchens.
But that is not all she is about
I don’t like her because she unapologetically calls her brother who has a disability the r-slur. She even used it as a funny gotcha joke for people who would use the word around her who didn’t know her brother had a disability. She said she would get really serious and look the person in the eye and say “my brother is…
Yeah, this is weird. Especially since, aside from a couple of weeks of coverage, people weren’t that panicked. I got a lot of snapchats of people eating strawberries and joking about being brave/playing Russian roulette, but no one I know stopped buying them (and many people bought more of them to support the farmers).
We’ve got enough tragic stories of our own! Give us the real weird shit.
Honest to God, Australia is covered so infrequently and haphazardly by US media, it's always weird to see which stories you end up covering. There was a suspected terror attack in a popular mall in Melbourne last week. Just saying.
Right? This had to be an older kid too. It’s not like a five year old has access to needles, the forethought to carry them to the store, and then the follow through of putting them into fruit.
At least once, the culprit was a child who admitted to playing a prank
At least once, the culprit was a child who admitted to playing a prank.
Thanks. And yes, all of this is true. My least favorite is when I roll over in bed and get one stuck under me. The worst.
There were rumours that having a kid was part of a contract between Melania and Donny. She wanted a child, but he didn’t. Supposedly there were the sort of conditions you’d expect from Donny, that he wouldn’t have anything to do with raising him. He’s certainly stated before that he sees raising a child as the…
I am a G cup and went shopping with a friend just today who has smaller, easy-to-shop-for boobs. I mentioned I wanted a bra and she was like, sure, we'll just go grab one. Hun. No. I made fun of her on the way home because she literally just started picking up bras that looked big to her. I was like, babe, I love you,…
If I could wear bralettes and not have my bust drag down my entire upper frame, I absolutely would. Fuck bras unless you absolutely need them.
I swear VS bras are meant to be worn only during sexytimes or if you don’t care about having actual support/proper fit up top.
“Well, why not? Because the show is my fantasy.” Fixed that for him.
This is nonsense. A microwave is also a convenience appliance, but the food that comes out of it is generally...not great. Before we had a microwave my mom used to boil and steam all our vegetables and food on the stove. I don’t know why I need be eating microwaved vegetables on nights when I shave no time when…