The First Amendment guarantees the right to peaceably assemble for redress of grievances, but not employment by a NASCAR team. Your lawsuit will be about the minutia of contract or labor law, not heroic constitutional principles.
The First Amendment guarantees the right to peaceably assemble for redress of grievances, but not employment by a NASCAR team. Your lawsuit will be about the minutia of contract or labor law, not heroic constitutional principles.
the 1st amendment only protects you from the government, not your employer. Not sure why so few people can understand that.
They absolutely have the right to protest, and the owners of a business absolutely have the right to fire them for whatever reason.
If it pinches your fingers, MOVE YER FUCKIN FINGERS.
I have nine children, ages 19 to two months. $500 strollers are for first timers. If you need to buy a $500 to keep you from hurting yourself, I’m amazed you had the physical coordination to procreate.
Say what you will, but the new Toyota lineup has some interesting looking cars, not my cup of tea but interesting nonetheless.
That’s false, many, many owners do in fact do track days and other high performance driving events.
Not to mention it’ll probably be able to lap a circuit without shutting down...
(Note: this conversation has been edited for grammar,
This is just a personal bit of self-loathing more than anything but when I see people like Teresa Spafford and Michelle Christensen and young architects and designers and artists and actors I’m just very happy for them that they decided that they wanted to live their best life and follow their dreams.
Why do we even have a article written to bad mouth another individual?
Pfff. Alex Roy is that dick who endangered hundreds of people bombing across the country on public roads.
Preach! Salespeople live by “SWAT”
You judge morality of historical figures based on the morality of their time period.
one involving removal of statues commemorating those who sought to revolt against the US over slavery
equate wealthy people who owned slaves in a society where every wealthy person owned slaves
some dumbass shit about how like if you take down cheap, hollow, sheet-metal statues of the white-supremacist halfwits and slavers who went to war against the United States to preserve their power to own people, does it not also follow that you will also take down statues of the founders of the United States, and…
youre kidding right? it looks nothing like a vette. if anything it looks like an F-Type but even thats pushing it
The real surprise here is that an Evo not only made it to 64,000 miles without needing any engine work, but that it did so while remaining STOCK in the engine department.