
Tesla has convinced their buyers that they are not like other car companies and that by cutting out the traditional dealer they won’t have to endure traditional sales tactics. The buyers foolishly bought in to that.

Huh, imagine that. Company bleeding money needs to find way to make more money.

The thing was, since the beginning Tesla pride itself of not having so call dealerships and car salesman trying to pressure you into a car, but that seems to have change by what I’ve experience myself recently and hearing from others now.

I thought one of the advantages of doing away with the dealership model is that the automaker would not try to push customers into buying what’s “on the lot” or upsell them with more expensive models they don’t want/need.

This is unbelievably dumb, this is an event that has gone on for multiple years and is well known. You can’t plan for neo nazis plowing a crowd with your vehicle a year+ in advance.

I think roadkill should be banned since obliviously the name of their show implies killing people on the road is seriously people need to calm down. Dodge may have reacted a bit slowly but honestly this is ridiculous.

Are you kidding me? People need to chill the F out.

I agree with you.

People are calling for the removal of the monuments for people who helped form the country, you can see them with the beauty of social media. Washington, Jefferson, whomever. They all owned slaves and people would like to see all monuments to former slave owners brought down.

Its sad they feel the need to do this just to appease the violent masses.

“The Prius has been around how long? It barely moved the needle.”

The Prius is a much better example of your argument. A sucessful mass-market hybrid completely changed things and showed that electrification is the future. The Model X is the first truly workable, fully electric car, but the Prius proved we’re heading in that direction anyway.

Yes they do. They suck.

This is nuts - and not in a good way. I hope there’s some sort of user flow that involves the steering wheel controls, because no way would I be dicking around with that while driving.

I’m sorry you’re seemingly triggered from an innocent, factual, statement I made. I never made a false equivalence. I never said one side was better, or worse, than the other. You’re looking for a fight so you can feel like a big, old virtue signalling assclown. Both sides came to fight. Is there more to the story:

And it takes a deranged fuckwit to take what I said and think the bullshit you concocted.

Yes, both antifa and the KKK came for a fight.

There won’t be an armed revolt. You live in a fantasy land. I am in the Trumpville and I can tell you they really aren’t that militant. They would just bitch and maybe a few crazies would pop up, but that isn’t a shock for a nation this large. But no, nothing major would happen because most people are lazy cowards

So this antifa douche comes up and punches a guy who he disagrees with, with no provocation, unless I’m missing something.

I don’t at all support the neo nazi sympathizers but violence will only be met with violence. Randomly punching people isn’t a good idea.