
Hopefully they're talking to George to figure out if he has any plans for Rickon, but yeah, I basically agree with everything you suggest, even down to swapping Meera with Osha.

Probably a mistake to judge a movie based on special effects in a trailer. I'll take a good story over effects, so I'll decide whether or not to see it after I see the Rotten Tomatoes score and read a half-dozen reviews.

And then, after they've completed seasons 3 and 4 of Thrones, they should launch right into filming seasons 5, 6, and 7 simultaneously from Crows and Dance.

Kirk was lovable with a bit of dickish tendencies in TOS. In Star Trek 2009, he was just a dick, and that was about all he had going for him. So yeah, kill him off and the next movie might benefit, but I would prefer that the first movie was just wiped out of existence so that they could try again but this time with

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Friend of mine put a book together full of food that might as well be on this list. Remember the days when everything was in a loaf or jello? Yeah.

Fuck yeah Stringer Bell.

Is it just me, or does his head look out of proportion from his body?

Why? Does it really matter that much to the story?

Glad I'm not alone. I dropped his name last week in the io9 post about a possible Dr. Who movie.

On his website, GRRM says that Brienne makes an appearance, but I can't, for the life of me, spot her. Think I picked out the others though.

They just don't get it. The story was a small part of what made Evil Dead (and sequels) great. The low-budget effects, crazy camera angles, and Bruce's antics are arguably more important than the story.

My wife's African Gray parrot is a crappy dancer. He tries for about three seconds before throwing in the towel. Bird has no rhythm. Good talker though.

You know, I understand what you're saying intellectually, and I even agree with you. But at the same time it's probably my favorite poster of the bunch because ass.

It works fine and has all the features I was looking for. Yes, there's Amazon out there too, which has (lots) more tracks, but that service doesn't have the polish of Google Music, even with its head start. I'll use both for now.

Man, I hated Star Trek 2009 and vowed not to see the sequel, but if they do Klingons take on the Tribbles, I am so there.

Hmm... this gives me an idea. Robert Pattinson as Tetsuo? Box office gold, there.

I'm with you there. The beginning of s3 was probably my favorite part of BSG, even despite Apollo in a fat suit.

Let's mix it up a little. I want Chiwetel Ejiofor as the Doctor.

Spoken like a true fan of Fox News. I'd be curious to find out if he's got a Bachmann for President bumper sticker.