
I would consider that an inspired choice. I think Dennehy is under-appreciated.

Bruce Willis as Armitage?

Last I heard, it was reduced to a web series. So basically canned.

You had me until $800. Seriously? Uncharted 3 has me, for the very first time, got me considering a 3DTV, even despite my disdain for 3D in the theater. I might drop for this headset if it were closer to $400 or even $500, but the current price is too prohibitive.

Funny, I was speculating the same thing the other day to my wife (not that she really cares that much). We know that Nolan wanted to continue with Joker before Ledger died, so it seems likely to me that the surprise inclusion of Scarecrow is meant as a replacement for Joker.

Jackson looks like a Hobbit again! I am pleased.

So you're one of those guys still raging that he cut Tom Bombadil then? Got it.

I also saw the words "George R. R. Martin producing" or something to that effect, so I'm not so willing to dismiss it just yet.

The original Tron was an adventure with a great story full of interesting characters, timely cold war elements and effects that were before their time. Legacy was just effects, few of which blew me away. The only thing it really had going for it was Wilde, and that was just because she was insanely cute. Even Jeff

Season two is better than season four, and I would even argue that it's better than season three even despite some great new (sadly terminal) characters (primarily the king, Talbot, and Franklin). It offered a more cohesive story and managed to merge threads and bring characters together, unlike the fractured messes

My battery problems on my Nexus S stem from the fact that I keep playing games. Google really should do something about that.

I would like to remind you of the sad events that happened on the Alarei after Tali's father tried rebuilding Geth from deactivated Geth parts. Sad, sad tale.

Man, the kidnapper in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang terrified me as a kid.

And don't forget The Right Stuff. No, it's not scifi, but it does involve space. And it's an awesome film.

Maybe try watching it analytically and see if it keeps you interested. Try and identify the hero, the villain, and God by the mid-point, and then see if you still feel the same by the end. I think that discussion is more interesting than a bunch of blathering about the stupid unicorn anyway.

I doubt the remake can be considered much of a classic, but I haven't seen either. I meant the original though.

You're missing out. Try again but this time with a full pot of coffee. That goes for anyone who has had trouble with 2001 as well.

Uh... I still haven't seen District 9, even though I've hinted that I had seen it in online forums. It's embarrassing to admit.

Quick! Chop down those fuckers!

Agreed on both counts. Viggo would be the ideal actor. Everything about him to me screams "Gunslinger", but Bardem is also a real talent with a look that will work well. They could do a lot worse than either actor but not a lot better.