
Now we know where the True Blood budget is going after the show is canceled (which I suspect will happen after the next season). It's a good move, if you ask me. Dark Tower is the one Steven King creation that interests me, and adding HBO to the mix is definitely a positive.

Um... I don't think it sounds that bad at all.

Huh... I was just telling my wife the other day that Heart of Darkness might make for a good science fiction film, and that was before I knew they were actually turning it into a science fiction film.

Agreed. I've seen lots of Hitchcock, and I rate it close to the bottom. I saw it as a kid, and I remember my mom telling me it was terrifying, but unlike other horror flicks I saw as a kid (such as the original Blob), the Birds failed to bring about any sleepless nights.

I'm not so convinced that Gattaca is all that far-fetched.

Well... at least M. Night isn't doing Foundation.

I'm getting a 404 for the download.

Glad I'm not the only one who instantly thought "Dexter" when reading the description. I wonder who will play Dee Dee.

I think if they had gotten a fifth season, they would have gotten it right the second time. Instead, we got a fourth season that struggled and sputtered. Up until then, I consider BSG some epic TV, even season 3. But season 4? Ugh.

You should see Outlander. Caviezel does the job he was hired to do, but the movie itself is great and hugely under-appreciated.

I could almost see Keanu as Spike. Almost.

I'm going with creepy.

Everyone's favorite Cerberus cheerleader.

Yes, because Garrett Hedlund was so excellent in Tron 2.

You mean the movie that failed in every way? That should have been more than enough warning of what was yet to come with the Star Wars prequels.

"the reason he climbed onto the roof of the downtown Petoskey business that night was because he was being chased by a group of people and was trying to evade them"

And Rob and Jon and Jaime and Brandon. Game of Thrones is full of just as many common names as fantastic names.

I'm not sure there are really enough flashbacks to justify Sean Bean's salary, when there are big battle scenes to pay for.

Zombie Drogo. It could happen.

Give it to him. I've never really liked Family Guy, but I do acknowledge that MacFarlane is a smart guy with some interesting ideas. A little fresh blood might be good, provided we're talking more Patrick Stewart than Chris Pine. TNG and TOS had clever, sometimes quite intelligent stories that didn't rely on