
32 and it's still clinging... which is a miracle. My dad and (younger) brother are both mostly bald, and my grandpa (mom's side) is a regular Mr. Clean. It''s a miracle my hair has lasted this long.

Who the hell even watches professional wrestling?

Veronica Mars on a space station. I would watch that.

What we need is a web-only scifi station. It could start out much like SciFi did... just reruns of classic scifi shows, but as people got into it, the station could transition into having some original content, which would be available on-demand from the website (or the Android/iOS apps).

"Top 50 Guys of SyFy" wet whitey-tighties contest?

I've never read the books, but I actually liked that show quite a bit.

I've completely canceled cable. I had been keeping Comcast around just for internet, but I've recently moved into an area with Clear Wireless, which gave me the prompting I needed to dump Comcast completely. Problem with cable is that there is literally only one show that I have any interest in watching: Game of

Ah yes... I majored in German, and the whole gender thing is just one of those bizarro things that I had to get used to.

There is a certain romanticism toward that era, and I admit, it's appealing.

I think the costume looks fine, and I'm not so much annoyed by the NOOOO as I think it's just needless and stupid.

I grew up Republican but abandoned the party during the 2008 election once I started to get hints of the anti-intellectualism creeping into the rhetoric. I'm so glad I left. These days, Republicans actually score political points for publicly proving ignorance on a variety of politically inconvenient scientific and

Agreed. The third takes the cake and is pretty much the only film that I just sit down and watch for fun. The others are worth seeing, but they're really only worth the rare viewing, IMHO.

Bring back the Tim Burton suit!

This is the internet. You need to have an opinion.

I'm one who tends to badmouth s4, but that was a great scene with a great delivery. Chilling.

Do you make your butler sit in coach?

Sadly, that actress died before season one aired.

I think it looks good, and for the right person, it's price tag is perfectly acceptable.

In 1921, a mysterious stranger (Hugh Jackman) arrives in a small Montana town and catches the lusty eye of the sheriff's wife. It turns out that he's a wolverine tamer, and his favorite wolverine (Bucky) follows him around like a dog. There's an exciting scene near the end where Bucky saves the stranger's life by

Everyone hated Raiden when MSG2 came out. Were it not for Snake's parallel story, everyone would have hated the game as well. In MGS4, Raiden was just weird. I could have done without his cameo.