
"Troll 2: The Rise of Harry Potter"

Good. It's an improvement. Besides, I fail to grasp the function of external underwear, but then again, I've never read any Superman comics, so maybe it's all explained.

Thanks for all the input. Now I'm really glad I decided to just wait for Netflix.

So without spoilers, how has Torchwood been now that we're getting near the end? I decided against getting Starz and have been avoiding recaps and reviews, but I'd still like to get a sense of whether or not it holds up to the high standard it created for itself with Children of Earth.

The alternate timeline bothered me, but it was pretty low on my list of things that pissed me off about that movie.

Without reading the Dr. Who spoilers, I can only assume by Hitler's new front-and-center position that he's the next companion.

That trailer was about as tough to get through as Demon's Souls. The music and the fast chop of scenes annoyed the hell out of me.

Made me laugh.

It had a number of character threads along with an overarching story with a very defined plot. What's more, several of the character threads actually played into the main story on some level. I do acknowledge that many of the sidequests seemed pointless, and some were just a little strange, but they often did give

Alright, I'm with you. I never played WoW past the trial, but anyone who thinks that it's not the standard-by-which-all-should-be-compared is out to promote something else.

I agree with you about ME2. The first one was great too, but I still prefer the second.

Ok, I'm thrilled this game has turned out to be good. I'm still spending most of my game time replaying (and replaying) Mass Effect 2, while any other new games I buy just end up on the shelf after a few hours, where they remain untouched until I decide to sell them off. On the surface, DEHR appears to be almost

He turned into a snake because he could.

Bummed that this latest movie didn't do well. I was planning on hitting it up next weekend, but at this rate, it will be out of my local theaters by then.

He's too busy being awesome on Tumblr and Twitter.

They should make a B5, Firefly, SG-1 crossover series staring Brent Spiner. That would both thrill and piss off the entire internet.

Big SoIaF fan, and I agree. Game of Thrones is both shorter and to-the-point, which is perfect for a television audience, who often decides what to watch just based on the title. "Song of Ice and Fire" could mean just about anything. Cooking show? Music competition? Travel documentary? "Game of Thrones", on the

I agree. To be honest, I don't see much SoIaF similarities in Dragon Age except for the darker tone. Wheel of Time, on the other hand....

I'd like an adventure game with a story that weaves in and out of various SoIaF narratives but is still its own self-contained story. Major characters might be mentioned by NPCs, but the player would never encounter any directly (except maybe from afar or visible in the next room but protected by guards). Maybe it

That whole Catwoman thing sounds pretty strange. I want to think that she was joking, but....