
I usually just have Leonard Nimoy's Ballad of Bilbo Baggins set on repeat most of the day except for the hour or two when I sleep, so there's not much variety in my "Top Artists" list.

"But I would contend that Star Wars is definitely science fiction — just packed with fantasy characters, such as wizards."

"Launchpad is supposedly the way to access all your apps, but who wants to click once on the dock's Launchpad icon, launch that interface, and then select your app when you can just open the app from the Finder itself?"

Still seems like a great format for recording live shows. I had forgotten about them, but I'm not totally surprised they were still in production.

I can abide by most of these, but Hoat the Goat is a tougher sell... to me, maybe even tougher than the Blackfish. I love Jaime's thread in book three, and I have a tough time seeing it work out without the Goat.

Very nice piece. I saw the Richard Gere movie and knew there was a book out there, but I didn't know there was anything more to the story than that.

In an office in a place called Cupertino, a gaunt CEO wearing a black turtleneck just creamed his pants.

Heh... to be honest, I'm surprised Google hasn't done this already.

Oh, is THAT what you were doing? To me, it looked pretty clearly like you were posting that picture to make fun of her, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Making fun of Carrie Fisher is like making fun of your slightly off-beat grandma. Just don't do it.

Would have been a lot funnier if they'd picked a more subtle and believable topic. Maybe a sex scandal. Fox News loves sex scandals.

A Dance with Dragons.

Make it so.

Hmm... season two of Game of Thrones is the season of the "love story"....?

Corvids and parrots: Geniuses of the bird world.

Agreed. Heart of Darkness is ripe for a scifi space epic, but only if it has the right names behind it. These are not those names.

I came very close to holding off on Honeycomb and buying one of these instead, and I still might grab one just for fun, but once you're as invested in Google services as I am, it becomes a tougher sell to make something like the Touchpad my primary device (same could be said about the iPad). WebOS does seem slick

According to Winter is Coming: "Another strike against the Eccleston rumor being true: It was recently announced that he has been cast in a BBC adaptation of The Borrowers which begins filming this week."

Don't leave dog shit all over the place. There, you have nothing to worry about. It's really not that hard to walk around with a little plastic bag.

The episode was a mixed bag but generally fun. I found the beginning pretty terrible, but it was a solid uphill climb from there.