
Agreed. I didn't really like either Matrix sequel much, but I did think that Revolutions was the better of the two. It was shit, but it didn't smell quite as foul. Or maybe I just have a strange sense of smell.

You've convinced me that Nolan is a total lightweight compared to Michael Bay. You should start an online campaign to get ol' Bay drafted as Nolan's Batman successor. Of course when it comes to story, acting, etc..., any Batman movie Bay made would probably suck big donkey balls in comparison to Nolan's, but we all

I'll take tea and water. Coffee and beer on weekends.

Did that comment rub your sense of Canadian Nationalism the wrong way? Pretty funny. At least we know we're fucked up and criticize ourselves constantly, but criticize some other country, and you always get a few jumpy nationalists who freak out.

I wish I could attend just for the Game of Thrones panel.

Ok, I'm into all of these, but I would have stuffed Jurassic Bark in at two and shifted Luck of the Fryish to three. Roswell is absolutely the best though.

Yes, this is the one other episode I would have added to the list. I probably would have put it at number three.

Peter Dinklage belongs to Game of Thrones. Sorry. Besides, he wouldn't work.

It's just down the page.

Poor you. Mike was awesome. Joel was awesome. Nuff said.

I'm an equal opportunity hater. Tara and Sookie are probably my least favorite characters.

I don't care what anybody says, Outlander was awesome.

lol, I'm sure companies aren't just going to roll over and start using antiquated technology just to appease Apple.

If reviews are generally glowing, then I may figure out some way to see it.......

I don't think I've ever really thought of Gwen as annoying....

I want to agree with you about Jessica in s3, but did she actually do anything?

Now that (Gina Torres) is an inspired choice.

"Wanting to see her dressed as Wonder Woman is different than wanting to see her AS Wonder Woman."

I sort of like the idea of mixing Anansi Boys throughout the overall American Gods narrative and having them cross over from time to time (where appropriate). There's obviously going to have be be a fair amount of new content and modifications to the overall plot line, so why not just make the two books parallel for

Interesting perspective. On the other hand, I would argue that Ebert is one of the best reviewers out there, and I appreciate that he's so willing to engage with his online community on such a variety of topics.