
Only a handful of us have selected Book of the New Sun. If that doesn't make the top 100, I will be very disappointed.

No, you're not wrong. I'm about 98% sure it doesn't show up until book two, and even if it did, it doesn't become a topic of discussion until then.

I've been worried about this too.

I've been following the news surrounding this show for years now, and it's a small tragedy that it's all over. I console myself with the knowledge that the show was outstanding and that there's more to come. It's just a shame we have to wait so long.

I used to develop Android apps (and might start up again here at some point), but the thing that killed it for me was when I tried to start making a little money. It got too frustrating. I actually did make money (not enough but it wasn't bad), but I was just one person with a full time job trying to write apps over

I really want to say something about this picture, but I can't find the words.

I thought their little 8 minute preview after the GoT finale last night was just bizarre. Like, eye-rollingly bizarre.


Yes, there is a HPV vaccine... HPV being the virus that causes cervical cancer.

I'm a proud Xoom owner, but I'm not an overly pleased Motorola customer. I knew from the get-go that I was in for all sorts of early-adopter heartache, but I'm really surprised by all these delays. I don't really even care about LTE and SD support, but the fact that Motorola hasn't said a peep about any of it makes

I actually that bit of John Carter news is pretty damn cool. I guess that means the sequel could might append the "of Mars".

Really, really loved it. I think it was one of the best episodes of the season.

However terrible American pop is, in my experience, most of the pop I hear coming out of Europe is way worse.

Should be NFC. QR Codes are so yesterday.

I'm guessing that this has more to do with them not wanting to support any gaming platform that isn't something they have direct control over: 360 and Games for Windows specifically. It would be like Microsoft releasing games for the PS3. Security is just a handy excuse, which shames WebGL supporters in the process.

Playing a Kinect game for a Microsoft E3 presentation must be the low point of any actor's career.

No, it makes perfect sense if you just accept that she was an angel ghost girl who died on real earth (not fake earth) after having visions of real earth (for some reason) and that her father was actually a cylon (we think), and that the fact that the only impact her father had on her was to impart a song into her DNA

So what, the family is just going to pass the jug around the table and every person just drinks out of a different side? This thing doesn't really look made for pouring.

According to the Sony website, the DroidX currently has a known problem with playback.

Looks good... I'll install it on my Honeycomb tablet.