
To be honest, I prefer the back-catalog, independent, and foreign titles. It would be fine if NetFlix started streaming new releases, but that's not as important to me.

No. This is new research. You're probably mistaking it for another study.

I would be okay with something multi-ethnic, but all the white-washing is giving me rather terrifying flashbacks to The Last Airbender.

I'd love to know what this translates to.

So basically, if I just quit showering, I'll be able to stick all sorts of metal objects to my body? Then people will profile me on websites and local newspapers? Tempting.

Agreed. I was actually fairly turned off by the season despite the fact that it had some of the best moments in the series so far... many of which involving Franklin and Russel. I also think that Tara improves a bit during the first half of the season but then gets lame again by the end.

I'm not sure if I'm going to watch Season four. Season three had its moments, but overall, it just left me sort of apathetic. Franklin and Russel were the best parts, and, well, they're probably not coming back beyond a cameo here and there.

Don't forget about the no-fly-zone.

The colubus monkeys are way cuter than chimps, so I vote we arm them.

Awful joke if it were real. I don't think it's real.

My snap judgement was that it looked like a swan. Sounds almost dorky, but that's what I thought.

How does the fact that RPGs were born on the PC in the slightest bit relate to what I said? For that matter, why do you think that the ability to use a 360 controller on a PC would make me any more interested in gaming on a PC? I've been gaming since the Commodore 64 (yes, I'm that old) and have had gaming PCs for

I'm happy for you that you're able to do this. It really shows the benefits of PC gaming. However, for me, it's simply a non-issue. I'd rather sit back on my couch with a controller, a laptop on the coffee table, and a TV.

Funny thing was that I was sympathetic toward the hackers back when they were just doing interesting stuff that only Sony didn't like (like bringing back OtherOS). Now that they've started going after the PSN and user accounts, I no longer have any sympathy for the hackers at all. I hated Sony after they removed

I was mostly with you up until 1) Gaming Consoles, which is really the only way myself and millions of others want to game. I'm very sorry that PC gamers are (as you dramatically put it) "suffering", but I'd rather play a game with a great story than a game with advanced graphics any day.

Beautiful and slow.

Basically agree with you on the recap, though I enjoyed the episode only marginally less than I enjoyed the others, which isn't saying much given that I'm already a huge fan of the show. I think the action following Tyrion and Lady Stark was the best stuff in the episode. Tyrion looking over the edge of his prison

I totally just went downstairs and bought a Hostess Fruit Pie out of a vending machine after reading that last one. I don't know why. I don't even like Hostess Fruit Pies... especially not Apple, which is what I got.

I was thinking the same thing.

Cannot wait for Torchwood. I intend to use it to console myself in the post-Game of Thrones months.