
A commenter on this very website informed me about the glory that is Metabarons, which I now consider to be one of the best graphic novels I've ever read. This Dune may not have been identical to the books, but a 14 hour epic sounds like possible greatness. I would have seen and enjoyed it.


Where you can upgrade even your friggin' kernel and not need to reboot.

Patent whores are proof that patent laws in this country are completely messed up. It's one thing when corporations sue corporations. It's quite another when they go after independent devs.

"You found a close family member hiding out in a brothel"

If Hulu Plus was so much better than NetFlix for television, then why does it seem so lame, I wonder? I had it for a couple of months and couldn't find very much of anything on my PS3. Everything was computer-only. Maybe it's gotten better. I'm of the belief that video streaming is the way to go. The only reason

I loved Thor way more than I expected. I did 3D, because I was with people who cared about that sort of thing, and even it was decent if for no other reason than the Hubble-style space images during the end credits.

"Serpents, Mr. Spock...."

However much I love Firefly, TOS, TNG, and DS9 are better. Sorry.

I think this is a good list, but everyone is going to have a criticism, and here is mine:

You and the other handful of FLAC enthusiasts out there.

I hate waiting a week between Thrones episodes.

Hmm... I don't know. He's an interesting character, but when comparing him to all the other ME teammates, he ranks near the bottom, I think.

I agree completely with your take on Samus, so you aren't alone.

"He ran. Not very fast."

I've never understood the Boba Fett fanaticism. He's barely in the original movies, and he dies in the most embarrassing way imaginable that doesn't involve a toilet. Maybe I would understand if I liked Star Wars a little more.

Promise a quick upgrade to Gingerbread, and I'll get the XPRT for my wife. Looks like the perfect phone for her.

Little known fact: the dog that helped take down Osama Bin Laden was named Muffin.