
Yep... I worked for Best Buy for about 4 years (miss the people... don't miss the job), and that was one of the first things they taught us... don't touch shoplifters, even if you see them do it.

I'd love to jump ship from Comcast to Clear, but my area is just barely out-of-reach of their "4G".

Handsome fellow. Pretty easy to see why Ernie fell for him.

Looking at Tony Curran:

Really loved the episode, but even I am starting to get bummed that Ghost hasn't made an appearance past puppyhood yet.

Wait, wait... are they actually suggesting this is a good thing?

The tone of the Hobbit is just so different from LotR. I'm really worried that Jackson will try so hard to duplicate his Rings success that he'll remove a lot of the fun or goofy elements from the Hobbit.

The fatty aesthetic is one of the main reasons why I'll never return to Windows. XP was trim, leaving more room for content. Mac and most Linux WMs also try and minimize UI and maximize content. Microsoft seems to be going in the exact opposite direction. Methinks Windows needs to reduce its calorie intake soon or

You're completely wrong. People would continue watching "hokey space adventure shows" if they were good. Neither Enterprise nor Atlantis were ever that great, and so they got canceled.

I always love an opportunity to rip on Star Trek 2009, but the alternate timeline was even less of a problem than the lens flares. I don't think I would have even minded it at all if it had sparked a better story and hadn't turned Kirk into a jackass.

Good reason to buy a new album.

You win.

Well, at least Microsoft is trying to keep up. I'll give them that. Some of these features look promising. Others look fairly meh.

Quite a resume. The only major franchise missing is Stargate.

This is my favorite list you've come up with in a long time.

Which I guess would translate into "Uniquely Microsoft Prospective", given that they're slowly becoming one-in-the-same.

The little Torchwood jingle at the end of that trailer always gives me shivers.

Humanizing Cersei doesn't really seem like a bad idea. The problem with her in the books is that she doesn't have a single redeeming quality. When Jaime got his own chapters, he turned into one of the best characters in the series. When Cersei got hers, she turned even more dreadful than before.

Looks interesting. Both look worth considering, though I already purchased a Honeycomb tablet and won't be in the market for another anytime soon.