
Well, ok... that's fine.

Shhhhh! You'll wake the browncoats!

I was able to log into Netflix last night too, but nothing would play... it just stalled during buffer. Doesn't seem like this should be related to the PSN outage, but still, it was odd....

Good thing I still have an old PS3 Netflix disc sitting around. That's really all I use the thing for these days anyway.

It's just too bad that SG-1 with the original television cast couldn't go on forever. I would still be watching it.

I still think her suit is made of the sort of win that is actually just lots of fail. The style might work great for a cartoon, but in live action, it just looks sort of like one of those high-quality, slightly naughty cosplay outfits.

If Nintendo's next console only brings it up to par with Sony and Microsoft or turns something out that's only nominally more powerful then I still have no reason to get one.

"Maybe they're doing it for the government. Maybe they're doing it because they're forced to."

Ugh... LinkedIn... The lamest of all the social networks by a mile.


That's what I read at first too. I think it's because the 5 looks vaguely like an @ if you glance over the word without really focusing.

Yes! I can't wait to get some serious Stanis vs. The Imp action.

Seems like a perfectly acceptable tablet, despite the idiotic 3D. Would appreciate a few more details. For example, given that T-Mobile discounts the device more if you buy a voice plan, does that mean that it does GSM voice?

Really hope Game of Thrones survives long enough to get into some of the really great Jon material. Even though he's not a favorite character of mine, I think his storyline is one of the most fascinating.

I admit, I developed a bit of a crush on Daenerys during the episode.

Loved it!

Sounds like a pivotal scene.

I like American Gods quite a bit... though I think the ending is pretty blah. I think Anansi Boys might make for a stronger miniseries, though I really enjoy God's American-noir.

If the reviews are anything to go by:

I pretty strongly disagree that they're better than SoIaF, but they're pretty good and would make a good series.