
I seriously can't wait.

The early reviews have been interesting. Many have been absolute raves, but many of the negative reviews seem to focus on the violence and sex or just a general dislike of fantasy. Overall it seems like a critical triumph, but if too many viewers are turned off by the show's darker elements, it could spell problems

Looks like the perfect groom's cake to me.

I basically feel the same way. I have my PS3, but Sony has so upset me since removing OtherOS that I have no interest in purchasing anything else they do.

"If you find it irritating to watch a video featuring a corporate mascot, you'll enjoy the ending, when the tiny green doll whirls into space where it will burn up in our atmosphere."

The trailer says absolutely nothing to me. I know nothing about Elf Quest, and the trailer does very little to elaborate.

Haters will be haters.

I don't think so. HBO doesn't usually release on-demand video on any other service but their own until months after airing.

Sadly, I don't think this is going to happen. HBO doesn't usually release their stuff for on-demand on any other service but their own until months after their first air-date.

It's possible. You can at least get it by next week, and HBO usually repeats shows throughout the week after their initial air date, so you won't have any problem seeing it soon.

Had Comcast over to get us hooked up for cable on Saturday. So for the first (and only) channel we tried was HBO and just in time to see a Game of Thrones featurette. Can't wait for the 17th. I am sooo there.

Poor Daniel Radcliffe. He's going to have a hell of a time proving to the world that he's not still Harry Potter.

My dirty-little-secret is that I sorta enjoy the stench of my sandals. It's weird.

Would have been better if they'd used Vim.

I would have LOVED a Star Trek Academy show.

I would love a Riker/Troi situational sitcom if it took place on their own personal space cruiser and involved freak-of-the-weak scenarios.

All of these are better than Serenity, yes. Three are better than ESB.

I had a friend who owned an Adam. Whenever they bought "software" for it, they would always buy about 10 cassettes just because they burned up so quickly. I felt so privileged with my C64.

Another weird post by a Serenity defender. Did you even bother to read the other comments before posting this?

Oooo, I can't believe I missed that March Madness.