
Hasn't every Highlander movie been sort of a reboot?

This is the sort of move that is so contrary to the Nokia software philosophy that I bet it will have very few fans among the company grunts. Symbian: FOSS. Maemo: FOSS. MeeGo: FOSS. And now WP7? One of the least FOSS-friendly mobile OSes on the market today?

My heart is with webOS. It's like the completely hot girl that everyone ignores, because she's quiet, wears glasses, and spends her time writing Drupal modules rather than blabbering about Twilight.

"Hey baby, want to play with my Touchpad?"

I would love some sort of high speed rail in this country, and so I hope Obama's plan takes off... but rail has always seemed a little less practical in this country than in Europe or Japan, where there are a lot of densely packed towns over a relatively small mass of land.

I admit, Wayne Knight wasn't really what I had in mind when I read the words "mystery guest star".

I do want to see a MeeGo phone. In some ways, it does look promising, but these delays have given me little hope in the platform.

I bet they go with WP7. I think it would be a bad move (Android or WebOS would be better), but my bets are still on WP7.

nom nom

Yeah, I remember when Fox News went after Mass Effect for showing a little bit of Asari flesh... yeah.... It's just a Fox News thing.

"Lame" is usually the word that comes to mind whenever I see Windows 7 and Tablet in the same sentence. I'm willing to be proven wrong, but I just don't think it'll cut it. Sounds like Windows 8 might be a different story.

Thanks :)

Already tried that. It doesn't work there either. I was hoping someone had managed to scrape it before the user removed it.

Damn... can't get the video to work. Anyone have an alt link? I really want to see this thing.

Well... Earth 2 meets Jurassic Park meets Stargate? Hmm.... I'll think about it. Would be cooler with Clancy Brown.

Cool... maybe.... Hope it runs Honeycomb.

This looks like a pretty good tablet, especially considering its modest roots. It's got a number of hardware features that the other Android tablets will lack, which makes it somewhat enticing, but I'm not really interested in their 'Eden' interface. If Notion Ink survives their first year and produce the Adam 2, I

I might be a liberal, but I can't stand the Huffington Post. They're just a liberal version of the Drudge Report, full of deceptive headlines and conspiracy theories. Maybe AOL can clean them up a bit.

These could have been funny if the girl hadn't been so focused on making gay jokes.

"If only the rest of the UI was as gorgeous."