
To me, the more significant reason not to buy one is all the impending competition. We'll finally have choices very soon.

Soooo many ships to choose from. I think Charlie was really fighting an uphill battle trying to come up with a top 10 list. Everyone is going to have a few pet ships that didn't make the cut.

Poor Lexx never gets the kind of love she deserves.

@PlaidNinja: I'm with you. The music was one of the best parts of that show, and unlike the plot, it was awesome through to the end.

@BouncedCzech: Lucky for you, there's a Fox News app out there. I'm sure that's where you learned all those clever insults for those who think differently than you.

I don't think I get the Robin Williams concern. I've been impressed with him in many of his non-comedic roles... Insomnia, One Hour Photo, Good Will Hunting... but I admit, sometimes it's tough to look beyond the terrible, saccharine Patch Adams. Still though, if anyone can turn Robin Williams into a great villain,

Wow, so much Eva love.

Poor Peter Jackson. Damn Hobbit is giving him ulcers.

Hell, I don't care if Google Music doesn't offer any content. I just want to be able to dump my music into a cloud space and stream it anywhere, and I'm happy to pay a fee to do so.

I'd love to jump on the "KILL IT" bandwagon, but even though I'm a firm believer in NetFlix, I had hoped that Hulu could become a worthy competitor, if for no other reason than to keep competition in the marketplace.

@Plague: I prefer Viggo, but I think Bardem is also a very interesting and possibly genius choice.

Christian Bale? I like Christian Bale well enough, but I think Javier Bardem or Viggo would work much better for this role.

Ok, I'll disent. No, he's not pockmarked, and he is a pretty boy, but I think the facial structures are somewhat similar. Could be better... could be worse.

@dandychesterton: Good point. Poor guy must develop one amazing case of adult acne.

I'll wait for the MySpace phone.

They should have put him in charge of their mobile processors division. I don't know why... just 'cause.

@dnarnya: According to Ebert, if an actor gets nomination votes for both Actor and Supporting Actor, they go with whichever gets the most votes, which is what happened with Steinfeld. The studio really lobbied to get her nominated for Supporting Actress, because it makes her the front runner. According to Ebert, she

I'm annoyed about Chris Nolan not getting a director nod. That sucks. It took real skill to keep that movie together considering all the threads.

Is this really unlimited or just another 4GB "unlimited" plan?