
Tegra* sounds like the wave of the future. I'm tempted to dump some cash into Nvidia stock, because I have a feeling that sales are going to start going up once the deluge of Tegra-running devices hit the market.

I don't know much about comics, but I've been aching to read some sort of multi-volume space opera that isn't manga. Any suggestions?

Well damn, I guess it's time to throw in the towel.

I'm into that slider. I'd be into it even more if it had a GPS and some sort of HSPA+, LTE, or WiMax.

@TwistedChimp: I'm still trying to decide if I even care. Sam was always a favorite character of mine, but season three had so many boring threads (Sam's included) that I probably won't bother watching season four as it airs... unless the io9 recaps are absolutely in love with it.

@ManchuCandidate: Wait, I actually like Contact. Maybe there's something wrong with me.

@sometingwong: Yes, you're right. Things were much better when men could slap their secretaries on the ass and expect nothing more than a forced giggle.

I, for one, think it's about time. On more than one occasion, the snarky voice of Google Navigation has induced me to tears.

@nophilip: Sounds like a travesty on so many levels.

Seeing that picture of Nathan Fillion reminds me of just how perfect he would be as Nathan Drake.

The only question I have now is: how can I order this wonderful invention?

Was Sony getting rid of OtherOS this year or 2009?

I blame Shia.

Still not interested in any handheld device that doesn't include a phone component.

Tron is a tough one for me. I adored the whole beautiful innocence of Olivia Wilde's character, and I thought both the music and special effects were great. The story was a little lame, and I though Tron (the character) was completely botched. I'm also not sure what to make of the whole Obi Flynn thing.

Bummer. I hadn't seen any of season two yet (waiting for it to show up on Netflix), but I really enjoyed the second half of season one.

I'm always a fan of Darwin, when he's at work, because it so often makes for some pretty amusing videos.