
@GregtheMad: Ok, so that was pretty impressive.

It's good to be the king.

Poor girl. Not only is she sent out to preform an annoying task while everyone and their cameras are watching, but now she's the internets latest unwilling comedic sensation.

Well.... that looks better than I was expecting.

Well that was pretty funny.

"Here's a good moment for me to admit that The Tempest is not my favorite Shakespeare play"

@atrus123: Damn it, I can't tell if my comments are appearing. If I have a bunch of dupes below, my humblest apologies.

Oh man, this would so piss off all those folks I know so insistent on printing everything that they'll even print off emails before reading them.

Oh man, that would so piss off all those folks I know who insist on printing off even emails.

Oh man, that would so piss off all those folks I know who insist on printing off even emails.

Well, Firefox may not have won the day, but it still wins the cuteness award:

@evildead1971: Well, they changed LotR pretty extensively as well, and it turned out to be pretty good.

@Kulei Pickles: I enjoy Rifftrax. In fact, I watched the Last Airbender with some hot Rifftrax action last night, and it was great.

@Cash907Censored: Wrong. Both eras have their own type of awesomeness, but I prefer the Pearl years.

@Steffilarue: Yep. Definitely one for the top ten list.

Sweet. I'm glad the launch was successful.


Keep him in the games until he dies plain.

It is just me, or does that inventor look exactly like a younger William Gibson? Creepy.