
Some part of me hopes that time will run out and the project will die.

@99TelepodProblems: A 1970s era sci-fi sex comedy? I need to find this. Is it as good as Cinderella 2000?

@Zuldim: Hopefully Megan Fox won't be one of them.

@TheAzz: You win epic points for this post.

The fact that Teri Hatcher is being cast as anybody's mother makes me feel old. I remember when she was the hot new thing on television.

@iamgrady: Ok, you win. Seriously hilarious.

@Kwhudson: Well, yes... but companies like Apple and Google are also pretty good at buying up companies and calling it innovation.

Well, I'm still not completely convinced that Kinect is such a great idea anyway. General consensus from the reviews I've read seem to suggest that it has its fair share of both promise and problems.

Innovation! Invention! Free enterprise!

Well, I do admit, the fact that neither LTE nor WiMax are true 4G makes me feel strangely better about T-Mobile referring to HSPA+ as 4G. I'm not sure if it should, considering that T-Mobile is taking the easy way out and concealing this with clever marketing rather than making the more risky investments into new

I approve.

Well imagine that! Science wins again. I love it when that happens.

@FrankN.Stein: You, sir, have been hearted for bringing this to my

@speed321: Not REALLY, but she's not bad. I've always liked Norma

@drummrx: What's the problem with Sally Field? She seems to

I love Charm City Cakes.

Looks great. I'd be very interested in purchasing a laptop that

I am torn. On one hand, I love the idea of taking deniers and their "evidence" to task. On the other, I am not usually a big fan of bots... which I associate with spam.

Well... to be honest, not many of those look like they'll appeal to me. Really, my biggest event will be Game of Thrones on HBO, which is likely to air sometime in the spring.

BRB — off to Malta.