
I'm surprised by some of the comments. She's happy/in-love-with a part of her body. The article takes the tone of "it's funny," but the comments left here are so negative and bitchy. Regardless of whether you think her butt is too big or too small or fake or real or whatever the fuck, why are we tearing down and

As soon as they were threatened with having to pay taxes they'd quote the Bible:

So there is a God and he's a dick?

Not-so-Happy Feet?

I read somewhere that Gilligan & O'Malley (Target's bras) are produced by the same people who produce Victoria Secret's bras.

You can do this at Target as well! Say you purchase your item and within 7 days it goes on sale, you're entitled to the difference. Make sure you have your receipt! I just learned this for myself last Thursday!

I like Katrina. I wish we got to see more of her. And I think it would be an interesting twist if she were unable to communicate with anyone but Abbie.

A Christmas Story! My family quotes this movie all year long. ALL YEAR LONG!

Sidebar: The War Between the States isn't something new. It's been around since right after the war. According to this wikipedia page. I only know this because of watching The Waltons. I would also like to suggest everyone watch this movie since it's about revising textbooks, etc.

WHO IS WRITING THIS CRAP?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

Thanks for the info. Lavender essential oil is on my xmas list.

The oil doesn't stain up your clothes?

I pretty much had an emotional breakdown a couple of weeks ago because I tired of being poor. I feel like I've been found guilty of some crime and I'm being punished for something I didn't do. I feel stuck in some hellacious purgatory.

I live in Maine and I also worry about driving in the snow. I've never been in an accident, but I have spun-out multiple times.

Fuck him. Silence isn't consent.

A couple of times, Mr. Ford kissed Ms. Sprada. Because she had experienced sexual trauma as a child, it was extremely difficult for her to confront sexually intimidating men.Ms. Sprada did not want him to kiss her.

Holy Hell. How careless (to leave her address on the documents).

A lot of the comments for this article seem kind of elitist. I don't fly all the time and probably that people that my fellow commentrs are complaining about don't fly all the time either. The last time I flew was in 2010, before that was in 2007, before that was 2004 and before that was pre-9/11. Every time that I've

11-0? That's something to be proud of? Are these basketball points? I mean, a junior parks & rec team could do better than that.

So I'm confused, isn't the fact that the website had problems evidence that a lot of people wanted access to it? Or... what? I'm surprised that anyone is saying anything at all about it, because it seems to me that a shit ton of folks were trying to get some (or better) flipping healthcare.