
Scared? Even if anyone bought into Kelly’s outdated view on the subject of women and our “sacredness,” his position is invalidated by the fact that he is working for and defending a self-professed pussy-grabber (who also happens to be a pathological liar and a bully).

As someone pointed out earlier on Twitter, Nirvana = grunge, not punk.

And Trump being Trump = Trump being desperately insecure and petty, especially when it comes to anything that President Obama (who was ten million times better as president and who will always be loved by more people across the world than Trump will ever be) was involved in.

Did he get smacked in the face by Trump’s aura of total crazy? Or did Ivanka forget to change Trump’s adult diapers after he pooped in them again?

I dislike bad translations, myself, but this seems a bit much.

Dear Lord God Jesus, please let it happen NOW - RIGHT...FREAKING...NOW!!!!!!

Dogs are generally better than most people and happen to be incredibly cuddly. Also, they can really rock a bow tie like that pupper in the first picture.

I just want to say that Crouching Nice Guy, Hidden Douchebag was brilliant. Ditto on turbodouche lasers!

It’s horrible, infuriating, dispiriting, etc., but we have to keep fighting to reclaim what’s ours - and that’s a good and just America, not the cesspit that Trump and the Republicans are turning our country into.

I’m currently thinking: Fuck the GOP and the NRA. Until the Republicans stop taking blood money from the gun lobby and find their brains (and spines) or until we’re back in the driver’s seat after this clusterfuck of an administration is over with, not much is going to change. Realistically, I have zero hope of the

Everything he said and did was bad...everything. I couldn’t stand watching or listening to him, so I settled for transcripts and short bits of video.

Sure, why not? Let’s give EVERYONE guns, silencers and armor-piercing bullets. What could possibly go wrong with that????

Dear God, please let it happen faster than that. Trump no shirabe o hayaku kansei shite kudasai, Mueller-san!

I’m not a boy-band fan, but this is one of those times where I feel like blasting Bye Bye Bye by ‘N Sync would be eminently appropriate as Price is dragged away from his beloved chartered planes in tears.

I wish, but I live in Hawaii! I think my odds of running into him are low unless they have more Hawaii contestants on Project Runway and he shows up on Oahu, hehe.

I love Tim Gunn, so this description made me laugh - lol.

Is that a rhetorical question? Because my question asking if it’s a rhetorical question is definitely a rhetorical question!

If we’re talking about monsters, then they’re like hydras with seven-plus heads. But eventually we’ll permanently beat them down, hopefully starting with the midterms. *fingers crossed*


Yes, we are all Kelly (even though I dislike Kelly, meh). Great googly-moogly, it’s just not possible for anyone to have given a WORSE speech than Trump did. Rocket Man? Loser terrorists? Are we in elementary school? Kindergarten maybe? Because that’s the language of an immature child, not a president giving an