
I’m over level 100 in the game, and I’ve never really grouped with anyone except for that time I got lost in Poseidon Energy Plant early on and when I helped some random low-level dude once. You should be fine solo for the most part - although you probably want help when trying to launch a nuke.

Also new verbs, adverbs, nouns...pretty much everything. Heck, just buy him an entirely new brain!

How about coating Captain Perjury in honey and letting fire ants go after him? He’d probably suffer longer - just saying!

So, someone at EA couldn’t figure out that this was not going to go over well?

Oh yeah, that’s from the Groundhog Day episode! Well, Roy Moore probably deserves to be smacked in the face by a door infinite times, so maybe he could do us all a favor and get trapped in his own time loop. Given his lack of brainpower, he’d never escape from it either. *snicker*

And I’m pretty sure that Teal’c is raising his eyebrow over it, too.

I was kind of thinking that maybe it was an affair, and right now, I really, really, really hope that’s why this happened. I’d like to see Rand Paul humiliated if that’s the case - sorry, yes, I’m being petty because I hate Republicans a LOT (especially after the Moore thing - ugh).

The GOP is the fiscally conservative party, eh? A $1.7-trillion deficit that will be piled onto our debt...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

I want to turn Tuesday into a blanket and permanently snuggle inside of it forever. But yeah, back to work because we need to do this again in a big way in 2018 (and let’s not forgot the upcoming election in Alabama - I want Doug Jones to win it so bad; Roy Moore is just unacceptable).

This needs to be added to the dictionary:

King and the rest of the GOP are disgusting. Hmph, they can only achieve their ends by being disingenuous (God, I use this word WAY too often now) and/or outright lying.

Happy Indictment Day to all, and may the Trumps and all of the Donald’s cronies rot in hell forever, etc. Today is the best day ever - it’s like Christmas smooshed together with Nixon resigning. Admittedly, I guess we’ll be waiting a while on Trump resigning/being impeached and being thrown in prison for his assorted

I was in the “I want Flynn to be arrested first!” camp, but I figure it’ll probably be Manafort. My friends think Kushner’s going to be joining Manafort in handcuffs tomorrow, and I would not mind if that happens. I guess we’ll see how things shake out.

They may very well be right, but if they are, Wubya sure fakes empathy a whole lot better and far more convincingly than the orange POS.

I saw the ad, and it sounded quite reasonable and might be convincing to anyone who hasn’t drunk the Trump Kool-Aid. No wonder Trump went ballistic when he saw it on Fox. Frankly, I’m exceedingly happy that it pissed him off enough that he felt compelled to tweet about it.

Leave it to Trump to manage to be disgusting, inane, and repugnant while speaking to kids....

It’s not retconning to point out that Wubya was something of a dummy. It’s also not retconning to acknowledge that someone you dislike actually did something decent (for once) in speaking out against Trump. And I definitely didn’t retcon his responsibility, because I clearly said this:

Or you could read what I said and not overreact because I clearly stated that Wubya bore responsibility for letting that war happen and not being on top of things. See, here’s the thing: When you start sounding completely unreasonable, partisan, and majorly unhinged, you start sounding like a Trumpkin. And frankly,

I never said Wubya was blameless and did, in fact, say that he bore responsibility. I believe that the buck stops with the president and said that Wubya let the war happen and didn’t stay on top of things.

Here’s the thing about Wubya - he was kind of dumb and naive/clueless but not an evil mastermind. As always, I lay the blame for much of what happened at the feet of Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz.