
Bravo to Kimmel - read several pieces in WaPo last night about how he hammered Cassidy about lying. And as far as I’m concerned, Cassidy flat-out lied.

Rhetorical question: Does Trump ever NOT act like a jackass and a disgrace to the entire human race?

This douchebag Mnuchin and his wife deserve each other. I want to see them BOTH financially destroyed - or publicly disgraced and humiliated at minimum - after this horrendous administration comes to its inevitable end, which is probably going to involve impeachment.

Considering what Trump just did with the three-month extension on the debt ceiling without demanding anything and giving us all the leverage we want in December, I’ll go with option B.

The WH is pretty sure that Hill should be fired, eh? Well, I’m pretty sure that the Trump administration is filled with a bunch of brainless talking donkeys who should be fired for: 1) incompetence, 2) corruption, and 3) treason.

As a sci-fi nerd, I was struck by how the room is very similar stylistically to the bedroom Dave Bowman was in at the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey - even down to the floors. And the fact that the old woman asks “Where’s David?” is making me wonder if it was intended as a something of an homage to the film (Bowman’s

Dang, I was thinking “Bye, bitch!” when I read the headline, and then I saw the words right there in the final paragraph.

It was good strategy.

Trump’s hypocrisy, cowardice and evil - outright evil - make me want to scream today. And whenever the Racist-in-Chief says he “loves” a group of people, he clearly means that he hates them - especially if they’re not white.

This, so much this. Every time he promises to donate <x> amount, he NEVER does - not until a reporter digs into it and outs him for failing to donate like he promised. I have written so many variations of this today that I’m already sick of it, and it’s only the afternoon here in Hawaii!

Ah, so that explains it - had no idea why. Danke!

Woohoo, baking! The GBBO (or GBBS here since for some reason they had to change Bake Off to Baking Show in America because we apparently can’t understand the original name???) being back and Fox being booted from the UK are literally the only two things making me happy right now.

Hell no. HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UPDATE: Well, if he was trying to distract us, it didn’t work - especially not after Trump gave Joe Arpaio a PARDON a little while ago (and banned transgender folks from the military).

Women’s equality + Trump = AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Basically, I’m just hoping that all the piranhas - Ryan, McConnell and Trump in particular - eat each other and save us the trouble of having to vote them out. As far as I’m concerned, Trump is like a dizzy piranha with a concussion who can only swim upside-down, Ryan is piranha with no spine and is very slippery, and

You’re awesome - that is all.

I watched it - I watched the whole thing and want that hour-plus of my life back, seriously. I was reading that even his own supporters started getting bored and that some of them left early or just plain ignored him to goof off on their phones, etc.

UPDATE: I just hopped on Twitter, and SHS apparently announced that Trump won’t pardon Arpaio. I guess we’ll see what happens - he does have this habit of spontaneously doing completely crazy shit, so who knows.

I was one of the many people slamming Rucker. It’s ridiculous, and for whatever reason, people like him keep falling for this crap (and I actually sub to WaPo *sigh*). No, no, no, Trump was NOT presidential. I said this about ten billion times in pretty much exactly the same way yesterday: All the Racist-in-Chief did