
I know the eclipse is over, but hey, we can still keep telling Trump to NOT look directly at the sun - and then we can expect him to do the exact opposite because we Obama-loving liberals are not to be trusted! And science is evil! And the cake is a lie!

Trump knows he’d be booed or, at best, be treated very, very coldly. His ego can’t handle the humiliation, so like the WH Correspondents’ Association Dinner, he’s bailing.

Extremely belated typo fix: incapable of engaging in (forgot to type “in” *bonks self for her fail*)

I’m a contractor with my company, and I used to accept formatting assignments involving manuscripts that were unhinged, bigoted and hateful in my opinion. I swallowed my anger at the authors, thinking that I couldn’t afford to say no financially, and I tried to tell myself that A) no one was ever going to read these


Let’s not forget Gorka’s equally abominable wife, because Katharine Gorka did the following:


The kind of people who voted for Trump are the kind of people that I despise, because the odds are that they’re one or more of the following things:

Don’t even give him a “Mr.” imo - he doesn’t deserve it.

Why does it seem like all the rich people in this administration keep going on damned vacations? Although in Trump’s case, we really are better off when he’s off on a golf course instead of having to watch his head spin like Linda Blair’s at one of his insane press conferences.

The story has been debunked, but Trump keeps repeating it. I read an article that dismantled it in full, and it included some correspondence from Pershing where he wrote about some Moros who were killed.

Well, the Dems want to put together an expert panel to examine him, but yeah, the likelihood of it happening seems minimal. On the other hand, after Trump’s racist rants this week, perhaps they’ll go through with it. I have the link to the article I read about it below.

I’m by no means a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, but don’t most people generally agree that the Racist-in-Chief is a malignant narcissist with NPD? Also, he’s a sociopath and a pathological liar, one whose brain is largely composed of putrid, decaying vanilla pudding (which I’m pretty sure contributes to his

Ultimately, Nazis have always been and will always be cowardly fucks and bullies.

The very idea of sleeping with the Racist-in-Chief makes me want to vomit.

To be fair here (and trust me, I was disgusted with those CEOs for agreeing to participate in Trump’s sham, totally-just-for-show economic/business councils), as I saw someone point out earlier today: Most of the CEOs who left showed more moral courage and leadership than all of the evangelicals on his advisory board

Man, I’m half-Chinese and have expressed the following sentiment a few times after that horrendous press conference that Fuhrer Trump gave on Tuesday: Chao is ALSO a disgrace for standing up there while Trump defended his pet Nazis.

Yes, of course!

Excuse me? Random girls will want to have sex with them? No, this woman would take a pair of pruning shears to their Nazi dicks if a single one of those bastards came near me with their pants down. The only women who might want them are their fellow Nazi dipshits of the female persuasion.

As someone from Hawaii, I’m proud that a local boy like Bruno did something like this - he knows how to show aloha.