I barely made it through Bloodborne with my PS4 controller (and occasional help from my friends), so I am impressed by this.
I barely made it through Bloodborne with my PS4 controller (and occasional help from my friends), so I am impressed by this.
If we throw salt at him, I’m hoping that he’ll melt like a slug. If it doesn’t work, at least we can bury him under a mountain of salt, perhaps?
I am so sick of the stupid people in this administration right now.
Republicans are officially batshit insane - that is all.
Why don’t they just make everyone wear sackcloth and go back to the Dark Ages already? *rolleyes@Texas Republicans*
Of course that “fire and fury” line was something that Trump said purely on impulse - he’s an idiot who doesn’t think and who really likes repeating the same phrases and words like a parrot with dementia.
Woke up, heard the latest idiocy from Trump (fire and fury this time *sigh*), and started yelling at the tv. I guess that’s all my mornings in a nutshell.
I’m probably getting the game IF the reviews are good, because I love Tolkien and Middle Earth. However, I’m damned well not paying money to speed things along in the main campaign, so good luck with getting further $$ out of me, Monolith!
Why would any man who loves his fiancee want the Groper-in-Chief at their wedding? Because, quite frankly, if the bride’s hot enough for the orange one’s tastes, he’ll probably try to grope her.
I’m someone who will cough up real $$ for mini-pets, because I’m obsessed with having cute critters in games. But almost $500 for a mini-skirt that I would absolutely not wear (am assuming that it’s the one in the screenshot, which I’m not keen on) is a big old nope for me. Yikes!
I opened my WaPo app today, and I’m telling you, I chortled with glee as I read the transcripts that exposed the Liar-in-Chief for A) lying about the conversations way back in January and B) being the ignorant, bigoted, insecure, self-centered and whingy buffoon that he is.
Is it time for an “I did Nazi that coming.” comment about this latest Baby Goebbels-related clusterfuck of an announcement?
Bravo - the Table of Contents alone had me laughing my butt off.
Wow, sounds like this project just went from someone shady to someone...just as shady (or maybe even shadier).
No, and I demand compensation for the nausea that I’m currently suffering from after being forced to even contemplate this horrible idea. :P
Well, Mooch’s career (as WH comms director) is definitely dead, so it’s not entirely inaccurate.
I got up late in the morning and turned CNN on. And then I started laughing once I saw ye olde Breaking News chyron. Oh, and I just keep bursting out into laughter every time they mention the Mooch and his “resignation” when I obsessively check back during commercial breaks, etc.
Everyone in the Trump administration - Mattis and McMaster aside - is a sleazy, disgusting, incompetent, doltish scumbag. I...hate...all...of...them, but I ESPECIALLY hate Scaramucci. They are all TRASH human beings - all of them from Jared to Ivanka to Bannon to Miller to Gorka to SHS to Scaramucci now.
He just pulls random numbers out of his ass and makes things up - that’s all that he ever does.
How the is it reasonable to prevent the teaching of an important medical procedure that is part of their specialty????? Jesus H. Christ, if I wanted to live in Gilead, I guess I’d move to Wisconsin or Texas. Thank God I live in Hawaii - ugh.